This application guideline is the archive of previous year.

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Master’s Programs

8. Previous Examinations and Inquiry

Degree Programs (Program) Download Contact Direct Phone Number
Biology [August Selection Process] 〇
[January to February Selection Process] –
Office of Master’s Program in Biology +81-29-853-6600
Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology Graduate Program Office for Agricultural Sciences
(Except Biosystem domain)
Office of Biosystem domain
(Biosystem domain)
Geosciences Available(Note) 3 Office of Doctoral Program in Geo- environmental Science Field +81-29-853-6884
Office of Doctoral Program in Earth Evolution Science Field +81-29-853-4510
Environmental Sciences Office of Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences +81-29-853-4751
Mountain Studies Available(Note) 4 Office of Master Degree Program of Mountain Studies +81-29-853-8063
  1. To browse past examination questions or obtain a photocopy, contact the administration office for the Degree Programs (program) in advance.
  2. Download from the Master’s Program in Biology website
  3. Download from the Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences Field website ( or
    the Doctoral Program in Earth Evolution Sciences Field website
  4. Download from the Master Degree Program of Mountain Studies website