Admission Guidelines for Graduate Admission 2023 (Additional Recruitment)
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba and Graduate School of Physical Education, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in KANOYA
Joint Master’s Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
Click here for more details about the program.
Details on Eligibility Criteria
- No eligibility screening is required for the following individuals:
- 1. Individuals who have graduated or will graduate from a university as stipulated under Article 83 of the School Education Law (hereinafter referred to as a “university”) by March 2023.
- 2. Individuals who have received or will receive a bachelor’s degree as stipulated under Article 104, Paragraph (4) of the School Education Law by March 2023.
- 3. Individuals who have completed or will complete a 16-year school education curriculum in foreign countries by March 2023.
- 4. Individuals who have completed or will complete a 16-year school education curriculum of foreign countries through correspondence courses offered by schools outside Japan by March 2023.
- 5. Individuals who have completed or will complete a course of a foreign university (which must be recognized as equivalent to completing a 16-year school education curriculum of the country) by March 2023 at an educational institution located in Japan that is operated under the school education system of the foreign country and also designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
- 6. Individuals who have received or will receive a degree which is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree by completing more than 3 years of an education curriculum (including completion of an education curriculum through correspondence courses offered by schools outside of Japan and at an educational institution located in Japan that is operated under the education system of the foreign country and designated by 5. above) at a university or other schools (schools that are recognized by the government of the foreign country or persons who are authorized by affiliated organizations and designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) in foreign countries by March 2023.
- 7. Individuals who have completed a course at a specialized training college designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (which must have a curriculum of at least 4 years and meet other criteria specified by the Minister) after the date designated by the Minister as stipulated in Article 155, paragraph (1) item (5) of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law, or will complete it by March 2023.
- 8. Individuals who have been designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (The Ministry of Education Notification No.5, 1953: individuals who have graduated from a university specified in the former University Ordinance, or a college specified in Act for Establishment or Order for Organization of the Ministries and Agencies, or the Acts Governing Individual Incorporated Administrative Agencies)
- Eligibility screening is required for the following individuals*:
- 9. Individuals whose academic ability has been assessed by the Joint Master’s Program in International Development and Peace through Sport through individual eligibility screening for admission as equivalent or superior to that of a university graduate and who will reach the age of 22 or older as of March 2023 (See Notes 1 and 2 below)
- 10. Individuals who will have attended a university for at least three years as of the end of March 2023 and are recognized by the Joint Master’s Program to have acquired the specified credits with excellent results (See Note 1)
- 11. Individuals who will, as of the end of March 2023, have completed either a 15-year school education curriculum in foreign countries, 15-year school education curriculum of foreign countries by taking a correspondence course in Japan offered by a school of the foreign country, or course of a foreign university (which must be recognized as equivalent to completing a 15-year school education curriculum of the country) at an educational institution located in Japan, that is operated under the school education system of the foreign country and also designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and are recognized by the Joint Master’s Program to have acquired the specified credits with excellent results (See Note 1)
- 12. Individuals who have enrolled in a graduate school as stipulated under Article 155, Paragraph (1) Item (7) of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Law and are recognized by the Joint Master’s Program, where the individuals will subsequently enroll, to have academic ability sufficient to receive education (See Note 1)
Read Notes 1 and 2 below carefully and submit the application with reference to the Note 1.
Note 1: Individuals who meet any of the criteria (9) to (12) are required to undergo an eligibility screening. Contact to the university you wish to apply to (refer to “11. Contact Us”) and receive the designated forms and documents listed below.
Make sure to complete and submit them by Monday, December 5, 2022.
The application documents will be accepted when you pass the screening.
- Individuals who meet any of the criteria (9) to (12)
- 1. Questionnaire for Applicants: Designated form
- 2. Application documents (make sure not to remit the examination fee until you receive the result of the screening.)
- 3. Other documents to be requested by the program
- Foreign individuals, in principle, who meet criterion (9), have completed a university in a country that has a school education curriculum of less than 16 years leading to a university degree, fall under the condition below (a) and have been recognized by the Joint Master’s Program in International Development and Peace through Sport as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a university graduate specified in above (1).
- a. Individuals who have or will have conducted research for a sufficient period of time (generally one year or more) as a research student or researcher at a university, inter-university research institute, or other similar research institutes inside or outside Japan by March 2023.
- 1. Application documents (make sure not to remit the examination fee until you receive the result of the screening.)
Note 2: Individuals who meet the criteria (9) must have graduated (or expect to graduate) from a junior college, college of technology, specialized training college, and miscellaneous educational institution or must have completed (or expect to complete) an international branch campus in Japan, school for foreigners and other institutions. They also must have been recognized by the Joint Master’s Program through the eligibility screening to have academic ability equivalent or superior to a university graduate.
If you have any questions about eligibility, contact the university you apply to (Refer to “11. Contact Us”).