Applicants for the Special Selection Process for Working Individuals must have at least one year of working experience (full-time or part-time) as of March 2023. (For those applying for October 2023 admission, replace “March 2023” with “September 2023”).
- (A) No eligibility screening is required for the following individuals:
- Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree by March 2023
- Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a professional degree by March 2023
- Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree, professional degree or their equivalent in a country other than Japan by March 2023
(If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an email.)
- (B) Eligibility screening is required for the following individuals:
- Individuals who are 24 years of age or older as of March 2023, and whose qualification is recognized as equivalent to a master’s degree or professional degree as the result of the eligibility screening conducted by the University of Tsukuba
(If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an email.)
Assessment of Eligibility for Application
Individuals who are expected to undergo the eligibility screening must contact Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area in advance.
Email us to obtain the designated forms and mail or e-mail the completed forms and other required documents by the deadline stated below. If you are deemed eligible for application, you will be given a passcode needed on the “Educational Background” page of the Web Entry system.
(* Please apply for the eligibility screening each time even if you have passed it in the past.)
- For August Selection Process: June 29, 2022
- For January to February Selection Process: November 25, 2022
If you need assistance due to disability, contact us by the deadline stated below.
- For August Selection Process: June 29, 2022
- For January to February Selection Process: November 25, 2022
You can apply to the University of Tsukuba online by our Web Entry system. Read the guidelines carefully before applying. Submission must be made during the following periods:
- For August Selection Process
July 1, 2022 (from noon JST) – July 21, 2022 (by 3:00 pm JST)
- For January to February Selection Process
December 1, 2022 (from noon JST) – December 16, 2022 (by 3:00 pm JST)
First, you will must create your own account on the Web Entry system. Once you make an account, you can save the entry and continue where you left off.
When you sign up, activation email will be sent to your registered email address. Click the activation URL on the email to activate your account.
Click “Login” and proceed to your “My Page.” Next time you visit the website, you will be asked to enter your email address and password to login.
My Page
Click the “Application Form” button on “My Page” to start web entry.
You can edit your login information or reset password on “My Page.”
There are four sections in the Application Form.
- Degree Program / Applicant’s Information
- Supervisor
- Eligibility
- Educational Background
Each section will be saved when you click on “Proceed to ***” button on each confirmation page. After saving, you can continue from where you left off when you are back. Upload the JPEG data of your ID photo in “1. Degree Program / Applicant’s Information” section and the JPEG data of your (expected) degree certificate in “4. Educational Background” section. Use one-byte alphabet and numbers to enter all the information.
You must pay the examination fee before submitting your application. We accept:
- Credit card payment (for all applicants)
- Convenience store payment (for applicants residing in Japan only)
The examination fees will not be charged for foreign students who are supported by the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarships and students who are expected to complete our masterʼs program in March 2023 and continue to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Tsukuba (For those applying for October 2023 admission, replace “March 2023” with “September 2023”). (The payment screen will not be displayed.)
After the payment, enter the required information (e.g. receipt number) and proceed to the next step. Click here for details.
After the payment is confirmed, you can submit your application by clicking “Submit to Apply” button. Once you click on the button, the information you have entered will be sent to the University, and you will not be able to go back to edit. Please double-check before proceeding. After you submit your application, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address that you registered. Please make sure to check it.
(*Check and adjust spam filter settings in your email account beforehand so that you can receive an email from the “webentry.ap-graduate.tsukuba.ac.jp” domain.)
Create PDF
After submitting, you will be able to download Reference Card, Address Sheet, Form for Submission of English Proficiency Tests Score and other forms in PDF. You must download them and print them out during the following period (When the application period ends and the system closes, you will not be able to download the files):
Application Period on the Web Entry system:
- For August Selection Process
July 1, 2022 (from noon JST) – July 21, 2022 (by 3:00 pm JST)
- For January to February Selection Process
December 1, 2022 (from noon JST) – December 16, 2022 (by 3:00 pm JST)
Web Entry
The original documents listed in “7. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted” must arrive to the Academic Service Office by the following deadline (Send them by registered mail or bring them directly to the office).
Your application will not be completed until all the required documents arrive at our office.
- For August Selection Process: July 21, 2022
- For January to February Selection Process: December 16, 2022
* The Academic Service Office closes at 5:00 pm (JST). The application brought in after that time will not be accepted.
Click here for details.
We will post the “Information and Instructions for Examinees” on this website on the date stated below. Check the documents before the examination.
[Planned publication date]
- For August Selection Process: August 5, 2022
- For January to February Selection Process: January 10, 2023
- For August Selection Process: August 24-27, 2022
*Applicants for Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering on Special Selection Process for Working Individuals can also choose August 27 in Tokyo Campus.
- For January to February Selection Process: January 26-January 28, 2023
*Applicants for Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering on Special Selection Process for Working Individuals can also choose January 28 in Tokyo Campus.
- For August Selection Process: September 16, 2022
- For January to February Selection Process: February 15, 2023
We will send the acceptance letter on the same date.
- Successful applicants for August Selection Process
In November 2022
- Successful applicants for January to February Selection Process
In February, 2023
We will announce the date of shipment on this website as soon as it is decided.
- Enrollment in April 2023 : By early March 2023
- Enrollment in October 2023 : By late August 2023
- On April 1, 2023 or October 1, 2023