This application guideline is the archive of previous year.

Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences

Master’s Programs (Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences)

6. Screening Criteria

We will determine the students to be admitted by evaluating the submitted documents and their academic skills as a whole:

Examination Schedule and the Subjects

Refer to the schedule below:

If you would like to use the TOEFL iBT (including Home Edition) for the English Proficiency Test Score Sheet, please check the following URL.
TOEFL iBT test and TOEFL iBT Home Edition for Graduate School Entrance Examination for Academic Year 2023 of University of Tsukuba

Master’s Program in NeuroscienceMaster’s

Date Tuesday, August 30 Wednesday, August 31
Subject Foreign Language
(100 points)
Specialized Subject
(100 points)
Oral Examination
(50 points)
Time 10:00-11:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Neuroscience English issues relating to behavioral sciences and neuroscience Issues relating to behavioral sciences and neuroscience (Select two questions regardless of your research field) Individual interview
(Interview about knowledge of your research field and research plans)
Date Wednesday, February 1 Thursday, February 2
Subject Foreign Language
(100 points)
Specialized Subject
(100 points)
Oral Examination
(50 points)
Time 10:00-11:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Neuroscience English issues relating to behavioral sciences and neuroscience Issues relating to behavioral sciences and neuroscience (Select two questions regardless of your research field) Individual interview
(Interview about knowledge of your research field and research plans)
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
    (Persons applying by the Cooperative Graduate School System should contact us together with a faculty member in a field related to this research area.)
  2. See for more details.

Master’s Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport SciencesMaster’s

General Selection Process
Date Thursday, October 13
Subject Foreign Language
(150 points)
Specialized Subject
(200 points)
Oral Examination
(50 points)
Time 10:00-11:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or TOEFL-iBT (PBT) Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report
Issues relating to Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Individual Interview
(Interview about your personal records and research plans.)
Special Selection Process for Working Individuals
Date Thursday, October 13
Subject Specialized Subject
(200 points)
Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-11:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Issues relating to Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences. Individual Interview
(Interview about your personal records and research plans.)
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  2. In the case of a foreign language, affix the original of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS by postal mail to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate and TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report are valid in the case of examinations taken in the last 2 years. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  3. If you are unable to submit the original on the application period, you must submit the original on the exam day. If the original is not submitted, your application will be taken as an incomplete, irrespective of the reasons, and you will be excluded from the candidates for selection.
  4. Please do not submit photocopies of the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report. Only originals are accepted. Please also note that we cannot accept, in any circumstance, any (original or photocopy) of the following: TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report, or TOEFL ITP Score Report.
  5. The TOEIC or TOEFL scores will be evaluated on the basis of the below specifications. Scores above the specifications will be taken to be passes. Scores below the specifications will be converted.
  7. In the Specialized Subject, one question from each of 36 research fields divided into three groups (Group A: Physical Education and Sport Studies, Group B: Health and Human Performance Studies, Group C: Coaching Studies) is given. Applicants are required to choose one question from each of the following groups A to C and answer it. As a specialized subject (1), you will choose one question from a group that includes desired research field and answer it. Choose one question from each of the remaining two groups that you did not choose as specialized subject (2) and (3), and answer it.
    • Group A: Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport / History of Physical Education and Sports / Theory of Martial Sports (Budo) / Sport Sociology / Psychology of Physical Education and Sport / Management of Physical Education and Sport/ Administration and Finance of Physical Education and Sport / Leisure and Sport Industry / Sport Pedagogy / Special Physical Education
    • Group B: Health Education / Sport Physiology / Sport Biochemistry / Sport Nutrition / Physical Fitness / Health and Physical Fitness for Active Living / Sport Medicine for Wellness / Sport Medicine for Motor System / Sport Biomechanics
    • Group C: General Theory of Coaching and Training / Theory of Movement / Coaching in Gymnastics / Coaching in Sports Gymnastics / Coaching in Track & Field / Coaching in Swimming / Coaching in Volleyball / Coaching in Basketball / Coaching in Handball / Coaching in Soccer / Coaching in Rugby / Coaching in Racket & Bat Sports / Coaching in Judo / Coaching in Kendo / Coaching in Kyudo / Outdoor Pursuits and Education / Dance Studies
  8. Write the answers for the specialized subject in Japanese.
  9. The oral examination time may be extended depending on the application status.
  10. Contact for information on the examination
    ・Master’s Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

Master’s Program in Sport and Olympic StudiesMaster’s

Date Thursday, January 26
Friday, January 27
Subject Documents
(100 points)
Oral Examination
(300 points)
Time 9:00-17:00
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Sport and Olympic Studies Comprehensive evaluation of personal records and research plans Individual interviews will be undertaken in English based on the personal records and research plans.
Interviews will be conducted online.
  1. Date and time for the Oral Examination will be scheduled by University of Tsukuba in principle.
  2. Certificates for submission must be the original or certified copy (certified copy is a copy of a document that can be used instead of the original one because an official has checked it and formally approved it as a true and accurate copy by signing it).
  3. When sending originals or certified copies of the documents to University of Tsukuba, please send it by registered mail or courier service which can be tracked down afterwards.
  4. All the documents must be in ENGLISH or JAPANESE. If the language used in documents is other than English or Japanese, it must be translated to either language by registered translator.
  5. Submitted documents will not be returned. Please note that this rule applies even when you submitted the original.
  6. Contact us
    Master’s Program in Sport and Olympic Studies (email:
    If you have any questions, please contact TIAS Admission Office by email. When sending email, please put “TIAS Admission Inquiry (Your Name)” as subject.
  7. See for further details

Master’s Program in ArtMaster’s

<General Selection Process>
Date Thursday, October 13
Time 9:30-12:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Subject Method (1)
(600 points)
Presentation (500 points) Foreign Language
(100 points)
Method (2)
(600 points)
Practical Skill
(250 points)
Short Presentation
(250 points)
Field of Research Art History Method (1) 1. Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
2. Interview about Field of Research
Submit the English Proficiency Test Score
Art Environment Support
Western-style Painting Method (2) Drawing based on human model Short Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
Japanese-style Painting
Sculpture Sculpting based on human model
Sho-Calligraphy Rinsho [kanji / kana] and Creative [kanji / kana / mixed with kanji and kana].
Art and Design Science Method (1) 1. Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
2. Interview about Field of Research
Plastic Art and Mixed Media
Visual Communication Design
Environmental Design
<Special Selection Process for Working Individuals>
Date Thursday, October 13
Time 9:30-12:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Subject Method (1) (600 points) Presentation (600 points)
Method (2) (600 points) Practical Skill
(250 points)
Short Presentation
(350 points)
Field of Research Art History Method (1) 1. Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
2. Interview about Field of Research
3. Interview about Performance report
Art Environment Support
Western-style Painting Method (2) Drawing based on human model 1. Short Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
2. Interview about Performance report
Japanese-style Painting
Sculpture Sculpting based on human model
Sho-Calligraphy Rinsho [kanji / kana] and Creative [kanji / kana / mixed with kanji and kana].
Art and Design Science Method (1) 1. Presentation and Interview about submitted materials and Research Plan
2. Interview about Field of Research
3. Interview about Performance report
Plastic Art and Mixed Media
Visual Communication Design
Environmental Design
General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals
Common Items to bring to the examination:
Subject Presentation Practical Skill Short Presentation
Field of Research Art History 5 copies of Resume for distribution (A4 size, any number of sheets, any format, enter the examination number on the cover)
Art Environment Support
Western-style Painting Charcoal (can be used with pencils), drawing tools, newspaper (for underlay) None
Japanese-style Painting Pencils and drawing tools
Sculpture Sculpting tools (spatulas, etc.)
Sho-Calligraphy Brushes (for kanji and kana, various sizes), ink, inkstone, paperweight, water dropper, pencil, red water based felt-tip pen
Art and Design Science None
Plastic Art and Mixed Media
Visual Communication Design
Environmental Design

  1. It is required to contact the faculty member of the desired research area in advance.
  2. In the case of a foreign language, affix the original of the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report who took the test after October 2020 which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS by postal mail, the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate, or the IELTS Academic Module Test Report Form to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application. If you are unable to submit the original at the application, you must submit the original [October Selection Process] by Tuesday, 13 October. If the original is not submitted, your application will be understood as incomplete, irrespective of the reasons, and your application will not be considered for selection. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  3. Please do not submit photocopies of the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report or the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or the Test Report Form of IELTS (Academic Module). Only originals are accepted. Please also note that we cannot accept, in any circumstance, any (original or photocopy) of the following: TOEFL ITP Score Report, or TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report, or IELTS (Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module)).
  4. Information about the details of the examination and the delivery place of thesis, work and portfolio will be sent to your registered email address on 26 September. Be sure to check your email address.
  5. Contact for information on the examination
    Master’s Program in Art Admissions(E-mail
  6. Refer to the following web page for information about this program:
    Master’s Program in Art

Master’s Program in DesignMaster’s

Date Tuesday, August 30 Wednesday, August 31
Subject Specialized Subject (100 points) Oral Examination (100 points)
Time 10:30-12:00 (JST, UTC+09:00) 10:00-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Design Essay
Issues relating to design.
Online specialized subject examination will be conducted for approximately 90 minutes on E-learning system “manaba” and Zoom.
Individual Interview
You will be interviewed about design. The interview will cover the following:
1.The work included in the portfolio you bring with you, and your thesis.
2.Your research plans after entering.
Online individual interview will be conducted for approximately 15 minutes on Zoom.

Items to bring to the oral examination:
Items enabling understanding of your graduation research (graduation thesis or a summary of this thesis, and a portfolio of your graduation work).
Graduation thesis or a summary of this thesis, and a portfolio of your graduation work are required to be prepared in electric data which are sharable through screen sharing or file transfer on Zoom.

If it is found that Graduation thesis or a summary of this thesis, and a portfolio of your graduation work were not written or produced by the applicant, the admission will be cancelled, even after acceptance.

  1. The total score will be 300, including 100 points for the Application Document Screening.
  2. Applicants whose native language is not English affix the original score sheets from the English Proficiency Test (Cambridge Assessment English, EIKEN, GTEC, IELTS (Academic Module), TEAP, TOEFL, TOEIC.) took after August 2020 to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application. If you are unable to submit the original at the application, you must submit the original by the exam day. If the original is not submitted, your application will be taken as an incomplete, irrespective of the reasons, and you will be excluded from the candidates for selection. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  3. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
    (Persons submitting applications by the Cooperative Graduate School System should contact one of full-time faculty members in relating research area together with a desired supervisor.)
  4. Information about the online specialized subject and oral examination will be sent to your registered email address on August 5. Be sure to check your email address.
  5. See for more details.

Master’s Program in Heritage StudiesMaster’s

Date Wednesday, August 24 Thursday, August 25
Subject Foreign Language
(100 points)
Specialized Subject
(300 points)
Oral Examination
(200 points)
Time 10:00-12:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Heritage Studies English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate (L&R) or TOEFL-iBT (PBT) Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report or IELTS (Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module))
Issues relating to Heritage Studies Individual Interview
(Interview about Heritage Studies)

Date Thursday, January 26
Subject Foreign Language
(100 points)
Specialized Subject
(300 points)
Oral Examination
(200 points)
Time 10:00-12:30
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Heritage Studies English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate (L&R) or TOEFL-iBT (PBT) Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report or IELTS (Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module))
Issues relating to Heritage Studies Individual Interview
(Interview about Heritage Studies)
  1. See for more details.
  2. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  3. In the case of a foreign language, affix the original of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS or Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module) by postal mail to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate and TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report and Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module) are valid in the case of examinations taken in the last 2 years. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  4. Please do not submit photocopies of the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report or the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or the Test Report Form of IELTS (Academic Module). Only originals are accepted. Please also note that we cannot accept, in any circumstance, any (original or photocopy) of the following: TOEFL ITP Score Report, or TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report, or IELTS (Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module)).