- Assessment of Eligibility for Application
- Individuals who are expected to undergo the Eligibility Screening should contact TIAS admission office, University of Tsukuba in advance.
E-mail us to obtain necessary documents and e-mail the documents for the assessment. If you are deemed eligible for admission, you will be given a passcode required for the “Educational Background” page of the Web Entry system.
(* Individuals who have previously applied for the Eligibility Screening and been deemed eligible should also apply for the screening again.)
【Due Dates】
- 23 December, 2020 5:00 pm (JST)
- Web Entry
- You can apply to the University of Tsukuba online through our Web Entry system. Read the guidelines carefully before applying.
【Application Period】
- 19 January 2021, 12:00pm – 19 February 2021, 3:00pm (JST)
- Sign Up
- First, you will need your own account to login. Once create an account, you may save the data you entered and log back in later to continue.
- Activation
- When you sign up, an activation URL will be sent to your registered e-mail address. Click the URL to activate your account.
- Login
- For the first time after you activate your account, you will be automatically logged in. Just click the “Login” button to begin. Thereafter, when you visit our Login page, you will need to enter your e-mail address and password to begin.
- My Page
- On “My Page,” you need to click the “Application Form” button for the appropriate program.
On this page, you can edit your login information or reset your password.
- Application Form
The application form consists of three sections:
- Applicant’s Information
- Eligibility
- Educational Background
Fields marked with a * in each section are required to fill in. (If you leave any required fields blank or enter invalid information, an error message will appear and you cannot proceed to the next section) Click on the “Proceed to…” button on the confirmation page of each section to save the information entered. You can log in later and continue completing the rest of the form.
On “1. Applicant’s Information,” upload your ID photo in JPEG format. (The photo must be taken within 3 months prior to submission. Applicant should face the front without any head coverings or other adornments)
Foreign applicants currently residing in Japan are also required to upload their Residence Card in JPEG format. (for confirmation of their status of residence)
On “3. Educational Background,” applicants who have graduated from a university outside Japan are required to upload their degree certificate in JPEG format, which is one of the documents to be submitted. (Since each country has different education systems, we need to confirm their eligibility for application)
- Submission
- After the payment is confirmed, you can submit your application by clicking the “Submit to Apply” button. Once you click on the button, the information you have entered will be sent to the university, and you will not be able to go back to make edits. Be sure to double-check before proceeding.
After you submit your application, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address. Be sure to check it.
(*Check and adjust the spam filter settings in your e-mail account beforehand so that you can receive an e-mail from the “entry.ap-graduate.tsukuba.ac.jp” domain.)
- Create PDF
- After you submit your application, follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry and be sure to download the PDF documents. You can download them from the Web Entry system only while the system is open.
【Application Period】
- 19 January 2021, 12:00 pm – 19 February 2021, 3:00 pm (JST)
Web Entry
- Submission of Documents
- Submit the originals or certified copies of all the required certificates and supporting documents to TIAS admission office by registered mail or courier service.
【Due Dates】
- 5 March 2021, 5:00 pm (JST)
- Instructions for Taking the Oral Examination
- Instructions for taking the oral examination will be sent to the successful applicants after the announcement of result for screening. Make sure to read through them carefully.