This application guideline is the archive of previous year.

Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences

Master’s Programs

1. Number of Students to be Admitted

July Selection Process

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Master’s Programs Humanities 24
International Public Policy 7

October Selection Process

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Master’s Programs International Public Policy 22
International and Advanced Japanese Studies 20

January to February Selection Process

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Master’s Programs Humanities 30
International Public Policy A few students when appropriate
International and Advanced Japanese Studies 19
International and Advanced Japanese Studies
(Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
A few students when appropriate

Students will be admitted in April.

2. Eligibility for Admission

Eligibility for Admission

Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Individuals who have graduated or will graduate from a four-year university in Japan by March 2023
  • Individuals who have earned or will earn a bachelor’s degree in Japan by March 2023
  • Individuals who have graduated from a university outside Japan that requires 16 or more years of school curriculum up to university graduation, and have earned a bachelor’s degree, or individuals who expect to graduate from such a university and earn a bachelor’s degree by March 2023
  • Individuals who have been designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • Other
    (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an email.)

Recommendation Requirements (Only for July Selection Process)


Individuals who have the above eligibility for admission and recommended by the supervisor or an equivalent person, and who can guarantee enrollment if the applicant is accepted.

International Public Policy

Individuals who have the above eligibility for admission and meet one of the following requirements (a) or (b), and who can guarantee enrollment if the applicant is accepted.

  • (a) Individuals who have earned 70% or more A (Excellent) grades among of the total credits earned by the time of application.
  • (b) Individuals who have recommended by the head of applicant’s organization, supervisor, or an equivalent person.