This application guideline is the archive of previous year.

Admission Guidelines for Graduate Admission 2024
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba and Graduate School of Physical Education, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in KANOYA

Joint Master’s Program in International Development and Peace through Sport

6. Screening Process

Screening Process
Screening is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the results of academic examination (English, Written Examination, Oral Examination.) and the other documents submitted, and the applicants who can be judged to have sufficient qualifications and abilities to write a master’s thesis or research report on a specific subject will be decided as prospective students.
Examination Schedule and Subjects
Refer to the schedule below. * All exams at both universities will be held at the same day
Date Saturday, September 23
(Point Allocation)
(100 Points)
Written Examination
(100 Points)
Oral Examination
Time 9:30 – 10:30 11:00 – 17:00
Examination Content Submit the original of TOEIC (L&R) Official Score Certificate, TOEFL Test Taker Score Report / Examinee Score Report, or IELTS Test Report Form together with the application document.
The score is converted to 100 points.
Basic knowledge of health and sport sciences will be assessed. A 15-minute individual interview focusing on the research proposal will be conducted in English.

  1. Japanese and English answers can be acceptable for the Written Examination.
  2. The Oral examination will be carry out in English.
  3. Make sure to contact your prospective supervisor and get his/her approval and obtain his/her signature on “Consent Form of Acceptance for Supervise” before submitting the application.
    Without the prospective supervisor’s approval, the application will not be accepted.
  4. As a proof of English proficiency, attach the original of TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate, TOEFL Test Taker Score Report / Examinee Score Report, or IELTS Test Report Form to the designated application document.
    Documents below are not acceptable
    ・Uncertified photocopy of the certificate
    ・TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report
    ・TOEFL Institutional Test Program (ITP) Score Record
    ・Official Score Certificate of TOEIC SW Test or TOEIC Bridge Test
    If applicants took TOEIC Listening and Reading test after April, 2023 and held a digital official score certificate, they need to mail the printed document that is attached to the assigned sheet.
    (In this case, the original copy is not required.)
  5. Only the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate, TOEFL Test Taker Score Report / Examinee Score Report, and IELTS Test Report Form of the test taken within the past two years from the examination date of Joint Master’s Program in International Development and Peace through Sport is valid. We will not return the submitted original document.
Examination Venue
University of Tsukuba Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus (3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-0012 Tokyo)
[Refer to the “General Instruction for Examinees” in 10. Instructions for Taking the Examination for details.]