Doctoral Programs / Three-year Doctoral Programs (Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences) | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences

Doctoral Programs (Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences)

  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process/ Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
  • July Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • October Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Heritage Studies
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)

Three-year Doctoral Programs (Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences)

Human Care Science
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Public Health
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Sports Medicine
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Coaching Science
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)

The following are combined application guidelines for all the programs above.

Security Export Control

The University of Tsukuba has established the University of Tsukuba Rules on Security Export Control in accordance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA), and conducts strict examinations for acceptance of international students etc. International applicants who fall under any of the conditions set out in said regulations may be unable to enter their desired program.

[IMPORTANT] Procedures for “Deemed Export” for Security Export Control

In order to strengthen the prevention of leakage of sensitive technology related to security, “deemed export control” was clarified and related laws and regulations were revised (effective May 1, 2022).
As a result, our university has decided to require all applicants to our graduate school to confirm the applicability of Specific Categories.
Please review the link below and check the corresponding items on the web application system.

・Procedures for “Deemed Export” for Security Export Control

Application Process Overview Chart

Check your qualifications!
(For more details)

* To meet the social demand for re-education of working adults at graduate schools, people who wish to apply to join the Doctoral Program in Art on the basis of the Special Selection of Working Individuals must have, or expect to have by March 2025, at least 1 year’s experience in full- or part-time employment. This includes employment in companies, government offices, or educational institutions, or as a homemaker, etc.
(A) No Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals:
  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree
  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a specialized degree
  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree in a foreign country
  • Others
(B) Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals:
  • Individuals who have graduated from a junior college or a high school as latest academic background
  • Individuals who have graduated from a vocational school or a similar school as latest academic background
  • Individuals who have graduated from a four-year university as latest academic background
  • Others

Before you apply, you are expected to contact a prospective supervisor (a faculty member from whom you wish to receive academic instruction) in advance.
Download the PDF below.

If you have any questions about the curriculum or the research field, contact the department that runs your desired program.

Assessment of Eligibility for Application

Individuals who are expected to undergo the Eligibility Screening should contact Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba in advance.
E-mail us to obtain necessary documents and e-mail the documents for the assessment. If you are deemed eligible for admission, you will be given a passcode required for the “Educational Background” page of the Web Entry system.
(* Individuals who have previously applied for the Eligibility Screening and been deemed eligible should also apply for the screening again.)

    【Due Dates】

  • July Selection Process: May 22, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 3, 2024
  • October Selection Process: August 29, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: November 26, 2024
Applicants Who Need Assistance

If you need assistance due to disability, contact us by the following dates:

    【Due Dates】

  • July Selection Process: May 22, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 3, 2024
  • October Selection Process: August 29, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: November 26, 2024
Web Entry

You can apply to the University of Tsukuba online through our Web Entry system. Read the guidelines carefully before applying.

    【Application Period】

  • July Selection Process: May 24, 2024 – June 3, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • August Selection Process: July 9, 2024 – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • October Selection Process: September 2, 2024 – September 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • January to February Selection Process: December 2, 2024 – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
Sign Up

First, you will need your own account to login. Once create an account, you may save the data you entered and log back in later to continue.


When you sign up, an activation URL will be sent to your registered e-mail address. Click the URL to activate your account.


For the first time after you activate your account, you will be automatically logged in. Just click the “Login” button to begin. Thereafter, when you visit our Login page, you will need to enter your e-mail address and password to begin.

My Page

On “My Page,” you need to click the “Application Form” button for the appropriate program.
On this page, you can edit your login information or reset your password.

Application Form

There are four sections in the Application Form:

  1. Applicant’s Information / Program of Your Choice
  2. Field of Research
  3. Eligibility
  4. Educational Background

Each section will be saved when you click the “Proceed” button on each confirmation page. After saving, you can continue from where you left off when you login again. Use one-byte letters and numbers to input all the information.
Upload JPEG file of your ID photo in “1. Applicant’s Information / Program of Your Choice”.


You must pay the examination fee before submitting your application. The university accepts:

Online credit card payments for both domestic and overseas applicants
Convenience store payments for domestic applicants only

Credit Card Payment: Follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system and pay your fees by credit card. After the payment, you will be notified of a receipt number. Enter the number into the “Receipt Number” box and click the “Submit” button to proceed.

Convenience Store Payment: Follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system and pay your fees at a convenience store in Japan. When you apply for ‘Convenience Store Payment’ online, you will receive the Examination Fee Statement with an 11-digit or a 13-digit code. After the payment, enter the code and payment date into the boxes on the Web Entry system and click the “Submit” button to proceed.

(*However, the examination fees are exempted for those who are.
1.The Government-Sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakushoscholarship).
2.Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.
* Those who complete the program in March and enroll in April of the following year will be required to pay the examination fee.)


After the payment is confirmed, you can submit your application by clicking the “Submit to Apply” button. Once you click on the button, the information you have entered will be sent to the university, and you will not be able to go back to make edits. Be sure to double-check before proceeding.
After you submit your application, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address. Be sure to check it.

(*Check and adjust the spam filter settings in your e-mail account beforehand so that you can receive an e-mail from the “” domain.)

Create PDF

After you submit your application, follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry and be sure to download the PDF documents. You can download them from the Web Entry system only while the system is open.

    【Application Period】

  • July Selection Process: May 24, 2024 – June 3, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • August Selection Process: July 9, 2024 – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • October Selection Process: September 2, 2024 – September 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • January to February Selection Process: December 2, 2024 – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)

Web Entry

Submission of Documents

Original copies of the documents listed in 3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted need to be received by mail no later than the deadlines mentioned below.
Your application will not be reviewed unless all required documents are received.

    【Due Dates】

  • July Selection Process: June 4, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
  • October Selection Process: September 13, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024

If you submit the application documents in person, visit here.

Information and Instructions for Examinees

We will post the “Information and Instructions for Examinees” on our website. Check the documents before the examination.

    【Estimated Release Dates】

  • July Selection Process: June 17, 2024
  • August Selection Process: August 2, 2024
  • October Selection Process: September 24, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: January 9, 2025
Examination Dates
  • July Selection Process: July 9, 2024
  • August Selection Process: August 21 – August 27, 2024
  • October Selection Process: October 17, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: January 28 – February 3, 2025
Announcement of Admission Results
  • July Selection Process: July 18, 2024
  • August Selection Process: September 12, 2024
  • October Selection Process: October 31, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: February 14, 2025

The examinee number of the successful applicants will be posted on the website.
Letter of Acceptance will be issued online.
An email will be sent to the email address registered for the application from 10:00 a.m. on the day of acceptance announcement sequentially.
Please follow the instructions in that email to download Letter of Acceptance.

Documents for Enrollment

An enrollment packet (which contain documents to be submitted before entrance) will be sent to successful applicants.

    <Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2024>

  • July 18, 2024
    <Date of dispatch: for entrants in April 2025>

  • Successful applicants for the July, August and October Selection Process :
    October 31, 2024
  • Successful applicants for the January-February Selection Process :
    February 14, 2025
    <Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2025>

  • Late June 2025
Procedure for Enrollment
  • Entrants in October 2024 :
    August 23, 2024 submission deadline
  • Entrants in April 2025 :
    March 4, 2025 submission deadline (tentative)
  • Entrants in October 2025 :
    Late August 2025 submission deadline (tentative)
  • October Entry: On October 1, 2024
  • April Entry: On April 1, 2025
  • October Entry: On October 1, 2025

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan


1. Number of Students to be Admitted and 2. Eligibility for Admission | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

1. Number of Students to be Admitted

Doctoral Programs・Three-year Doctoral Program

Program Enrollment in October 2024 Enrollment in April 2025
July Selection Process August Selection Process October Selection Process January to February Selection Process
General Selection Process General Selection Process General Selection Process General Selection Process Special Selection Process for Working Individuals
Neuroscience 4
Physical Education,
Health and
Sport Sciences
Art 7
Design A few
Heritage Studies 5
Human Care
9 7
Public Health 9
A few
Sports Medicine 10
A few
Coaching Science 6

*1 The number of applicants for Neuroscience, Design, Public Health and Sports Medicine includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System. For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.
*2 The number of applicants for the Art includes a few students who apply for the Special Selection Process for Working Individuals.
*3 Admission for successful applicants is in October 2024.
*4 Successful applicants can choose admission in either April 2025 or October 2025.

2. Eligibility for Admission

(A) No Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals.

Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements.

Enrollment in October 2024
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree by September 2024.
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a specialized degree by September 2024.
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree in a foreign country by September 2024.
  • Others
    (Please refer here for the details of eligibility. However, please replace “March 2025” with “September 2024.”)
Enrollment in April 2025
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree by March 2025
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a specialized degree by March 2025.
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree in a foreign country by March 2025.
  • Others
    (Please refer here for the details of eligibility.)
Enrollment in October 2025
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree by September 2025.
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a specialized degree by September 2025.
  • Individuals who have earned or are expected to earn a master’s degree in a foreign country by September 2025.
  • Others
    (Please refer here for the details of eligibility. However, please replace “March 2025” with “September 2025.”)

*People who wish to apply to join the Doctoral Program in Art on the basis of the Special Selection of Working Individuals, must meet the above application eligibility criteria, and must have, or expect to have by March 2025, at least 1 year’s experience in full- or part-time employment. This includes employment in companies, government offices, or educational institutions, or as a homemaker, etc.

(B) Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals.

Applicants that fall under one of the following conditions are required to go through the eligibility screening.

Enrollment in October 2024
  • Individuals who have graduated from a university and have been engaged in research at a university, research institute, etc. for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s degree or a professional degree based on the results of their research.
  • Individuals who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or 16 years of correspondence courses provided by a foreign school in Japan, and have been engaged in research at a university or research institute for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s or professional degree based on the results of said research.
  • Individuals who are 24 years of age or older as of September 2024, and whose qualification is recognized as equivalent to a master’s degree or a first professional degree as the result of the Eligibility Screening conducted by us.
  • (Please refer here for the details of eligibility. However, please replace “March 2025” with “September 2024.”)
Enrollment in April 2025
  • Individuals who have graduated from a university and have been engaged in research at a university, research institute, etc. for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s degree or a professional degree based on the results of their research.
  • Individuals who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or 16 years of correspondence courses provided by a foreign school in Japan, and have been engaged in research at a university or research institute for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s or professional degree based on the results of said research.
  • Individuals who are 24 years of age or older as of March 2025, and whose qualification is recognized as equivalent to a master’s degree or a first professional degree as the result of the Eligibility Screening conducted by us.
  • (Please refer here for the details of eligibility.)
Enrollment in October 2025

  • Individuals who have graduated from a university and have been engaged in research at a university, research institute, etc. for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s degree or a professional degree based on the results of their research.
  • Individuals who have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or 16 years of correspondence courses provided by a foreign school in Japan, and have been engaged in research at a university or research institute for 2 years or more, and who are recognized as having academic ability equivalent or superior to a master’s or professional degree based on the results of said research.
  • Individuals who are 24 years of age or older as of September 2025, and whose qualification is recognized as equivalent to a master’s degree or a first professional degree as the result of the Eligibility Screening conducted by us.
  • (Please refer here for the details of eligibility. However, please replace “March 2025” with “September 2025.”)

*Applicants who have graduated from a six-year undergraduate course (related to medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine) and do not hold a master’s degree must be screened for eligibility.

【 Application for Eligibility Screening 】

  1. (1) Individuals who are expected to undergo the Eligibility Screening should contact Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba ( by e-mail regarding the following in advance.
    • Contact Address
    • Name
    • Phone number
    • Email Address
    • Name of degree program to which you plan to apply
  2. (2) We will reply with the prescribed forms, such as the applicant’s record, which are necessary for the screening of application eligibility.
  3. (3) When you receive the prescribed form, please submit it together with the certificates and other documents required for the application eligibility screening.
  4. (4) If you are deemed eligible for admission, you will be given a passcode required for the “Educational Background” page of the Web Entry system.
  5. *If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an e-mail.

    【 Documents required for application 】
    All documents will be sent by e-mail.

    (A) Application Form
    (B) CV for Eligibility Screening
    (C) Graduation Certificate of the last school you graduated from
    (D) Academic Transcript of the last school you graduated from
    (E) Research Plan
    (F) Other documents required for application eligibility screening

      【Due Dates】

    • July Selection Process: May 22, 2024
    • August Selection Process: July 3, 2024
    • October Selection Process: August 29, 2024
    • January to February Selection Process: November 26, 2024

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan


3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted

With our Web Entry system, you can submit the application online. Read this section carefully before applying online.

As for documents needed for application, you must submit the original documents to us by registered mail.

Information You Need for Web Entry

Information Required for Remarks
1 Applicant’s Information / Program of Your Choice All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
You are required to upload a photograph for your Reference Card in JPEG format. The photograph must be taken within the last three months (do not include hats or other head adornments.)
2 Field of Research All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
3 Eligibility All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Research Plan All applicants Summarize research plans in English in approximately 800 words.
However, the number of words is different for the following degree programs.
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences: English in approximately 1,500 words.
Coaching Science: English in approximately 1,200 words.
Art (Special Selection of Working Individuals): English in approximately 1,500 words.
(You may use the prescribed form downloadable from the Web Entry system only if it is essential for you to use mathematical formulae, Greek letters, or special symbols, which cannot be entered into the system. Fill it out and submit it together with the other required documents by mail. The format of the form must not be changed. Do not write outside the box.
References should also be included in the word count.)
4 Educational Background All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Research Activities All applicants who have research history and records Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Employment Records All applicants who have work history and backgrounds Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
5 Examination Fees All applicants
except foreign government- sponsored students etc., (*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)
Follow the instructions given on the last page of the Web Entry system and pay your fees.
The following payment methods are available.
Credit Card (for all applicants):
Pay Examination Fees online. After the payment, enter the receipt number into the box on the Web Entry system.
Convenience Store (for domestic applicants only):
Pay Examination Fees at a convenience store in Japan. After the payment, enter the name of the convenience store, the date of payment, and the number given by the store into the box on the Web Entry system.

Documents Needed for Application

(The original copies need to be submitted to us by mail.)

  • July Selection Process: June 4, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
  • October Selection Process: September 13, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024
Documents Who must submit Instructions
1 (Expected) Graduation Certificate * All applicants Submit a graduation certificate (or an attested document certifying that you will graduate) issued by a university or another educational institution that meets the application requirements for the Doctoral Programs of this Graduate School.
Note: For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
2 Degree Certificate * Those who graduated from a graduate school outside Japan If you graduated from a graduate school outside Japan, submit a graduation certificate for your master’s degree. All documents must be in English or in Japanese.
Note: For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
3 Academic Transcript * All applicants Submit an academic transcript (the official transcript of your programs history) issued by a university or another educational institution that meets the application requirements for the Doctoral Programs of this Graduate School. If any credits were transferred from another school, submit an academic transcript from that school. (All documents must be in English or in Japanese.)
Note: For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
4 Research Plan Only applicants whose “Research Plan” includes mathematical formulae, Greek letters, or special symbols that cannot be entered in the Web Entry system Summarize research plans in English in approximately 800 words.
If applicable, check the box in the Web Entry system to download the form from the last page. Fill out and submit it to us by mail.
However, the number of words is different for the following degree programs:
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences:English in approximately 1,500 words.
Coaching Science:English in approximately 1,200 words.
Art (Special Selection of Working Individuals):English in approximately 1,500 words.
(The format of the form must not be changed. Any texts may not be written outside the box.
References should also be included in the word count.)
5 English Proficiency Test Score Sheet *3 All applicants for Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine and Coaching Science Please affix to the department’s stipulated form and submit it (you can download the file after submitting your application).

Please refer here for the details of eligibility.

6 Thesis (master’s thesis or equivalent) A: All applicants for Doctoral Programs in Art and Heritage Studies
B: Applicants for Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience, Design, Human Care Science, Public Health, or Sports Medicine who have completed a master’s program or a program equivalent or superior to a master’s program, or have obtained a degree corresponding to a master’s degree
Submit the application with one of the Thesis Title Sheets detailed under (i) to (iv), below, attached. These files can be downloaded after sending the application information.
(i) Master’s thesis (a photocopy is acceptable):
If this thesis cannot be submitted at the time of application, an equivalent thesis can be submitted, such as a thesis consisting of the research results by the time of submission together with the expected conclusions.
(ii) Persons who completed their master’s program the previous year or earlier can submit a new thesis ( a photocopy is acceptable) instead of the master’s thesis in (i).
(iii) Persons who do not have a master’s thesis may submit an equivalent thesis.
(iv) Persons who have been nominated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and are to apply on the basis of application eligibility criterion (6-1,6-2), may submit their graduation thesis (a photocopy is acceptable).
(Click here for Qualification Screening Details.)

Applicants for B are not required to submit “9 Research Outlines” below.

7 Thesis Title Sheet All persons submitting theses Use the department’s stipulated form for the title sheet of the thesis, etc., to be submitted. The file can be downloaded after sending the application information.
8 Summary of Thesis Persons who submit theses in languages other than Japanese or English. Submit a summary, 4,000 Japanese characters or 1,500 English words in length, entered in this department’s stipulated form. The file can be downloaded after the application information has been sent.
9 Research Outlines A: All applicants for Doctoral Programs in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences and Coaching Science
B: Applicants for Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience, Design, Human Care Science, Public Health, or Sports Medicine who are expected to complete a master’s program or a program equivalent or superior to a master’s program, or are expected to obtain a degree corresponding to a master’s degree
Enter a summary of your current research (For Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, thesis to be submitted on the exam day (master’s thesis or equivalent)), including the expected conclusions, in this department’s stipulated form, and submit it. The file can be downloaded after the application information has been sent.
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/Neuroscience/Design/Human Care Science/Public Health/Sports Medicine:Japanese in approximately 4,000 characters or English in approximately 1,500 words. If published papers are available, submit these as offprints or photocopies.
Coaching Science :Japanese in approximately 3,000 characters.
(The format of the form must not be changed. Any texts may not be written outside the box.
References should also be included in the word count.)

Applicants for B are not required to submit “6 Thesis” above.

10 List of publications All applicants for Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine No format is stipulated, but it must be on A4 paper. Enter the name of the doctoral program, and your name and examinee no. at the top.
If there are no accomplishments, please submit a statement of nothing in particular.
11 List of results and publications All applicants for Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience and Design No format is stipulated, but it must be on A4 paper. Enter the name of the doctoral program, and your name and examinee no. at the top. You can also attach documents or articles that show your evidences of results and publications.
If there are no achievements or accomplishments, please submit a statement of none in particular.
12 Personal records All applicants for Doctoral Program in Coaching Science Enter your Athletic and Coaching/Teaching history since university in this department’s stipulated forms, and then submit them (a PDF file for affixing can be downloaded after sending the application information). Submit these forms together with relevant certificates, and documents verifying the items entered. Submit on A4 sheets if possible.
If you have no athletic or coaching experience after your college years, please indicate “none” and submit the form.
13 Performance report [Special Selection for Working Individuals]
Applicants for Doctoral Program in Art
Enter this information in this department’s stipulated forms, and then submit them (a PDF file for affixing can be downloaded after sending the application information). In addition, submit a portfolio and research paper corresponding to the performance report.
If you do not have any achievements, please submit a statement of none.
14 Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) of Examination Fee Statement Applicants who made a convenience store payment
(*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)
After the payment, detach the Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) from the Examination Fee Statement given at the convenience store and submit it to us by mail.
The Receipt Portion must be attached to the form created online and printed out after completing the Web Entry procedure.
15 Copy of “Application Completed” Page of Examination Fee Payment by Credit Card Applicants who made a credit card payment
(*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)
After the payment, print out the “Application Completed” page, and submit it to us by mail.
16 Letter of approval for entrance examination If applicable

  1. Individuals who are currently attending a university or graduate school
    *Except for April entry applicants who are expected to graduate by March 2025 and October entry applicants who are expected to graduate by September 2025
  2. Individuals who are currently working for a government agency, school, or company (except for part-time workers)
  1. Need to submit a letter of approval issued by the head of their university or graduate school (or the head of their department) allowing them to take the entrance examination or, submit a letter of application the applicant (stating that he/she will withdraw from the university before enrolment). Any format is acceptable, but the
    letter must be printed on A4 paper.
  2. Need to submit a letter of approval issued by a superior allowing them to take the entrance examination or a written self-declaration stating that attending the entrance examination will not adversely affect their duties. Any format is acceptable, but the letter must be printed on A4 paper.
17 Certificate of Government-Sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) Foreign Student If applicable The certificate must be submitted by mail.
If you are enrolled in another university at the time of application, submit the certificate of the government-sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) foreign student issued by the university.
18 Declaration form for online entrance examination for overseas residents Only for applicants who fulfill Doctoral Program in Heritage Studies and Sports Medicine requirement Please check here, and if you wish to take the examination, please fill out and submit the required information in the form of program to which you are applying.
19 Declaration form for online entrance examination for Full-time Workers Only for applicants who fulfill Doctoral Programs in Heritage Studies Please check here, and if you wish to take the examination, please fill out and submit the required information from the second page onward.

* In case your current name is different from that on the documents you submit (e.g., because of marriage), submit with the proof (e.g., copy of your marriage license).

*2 Substitution of the original English version of the Academic Credentials verification report issued by the ‘China Higher education Information and Student Information (CHSI (Japan))’ is acceptable.

*3 Score sheets for group examinations such as TOEIC IP and TOEFL ITP are not accepted.

*4 Only if the certificate is not issued in paper form, for example if only digital certificates are issued, can it be accepted if it can be sent directly from the issuing university to the University of Tsukuba. In this case, please specify as the mailing address.

Documents Needed for Application

(The original should be submitted on the exam day.)

Documents Created for Remarks
1 Thesis (master’s thesis or equivalent) All applicants for Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Attach a Thesis Topic Form (the file can be downloaded after the application information has been sent) to a thesis that relates to the research contents stated in the Research Outline, and to which one of (i) to (iv), below, applies, bring two copies of this with you on the examination date, and be sure to submit it then:
(i) Master’s thesis (a photocopy is acceptable): If this cannot be submitted at the time of application, submit an equivalent thesis (research results by the time of application, with the expected conclusions added).
(ii) Persons who completed the master’s program the previous year or earlier can submit a new thesis (a photocopy is acceptable) instead of the master’s thesis in (i).
(iii) Persons who do not have a master’s thesis can submit an equivalent thesis.
(iv) Persons who have been nominated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and are to apply on the basis of application eligibility criterion (6-1,6-2), may submit their graduation thesis (a photocopy is acceptable). Persons who do not have a graduation thesis may submit an equivalent thesis.
(Click here for Qualification Screening Details.)
If your thesis is not submitted by the examination date, then, irrespective of the reasons, your master’s or other thesis will be taken to missing, and you will be excluded from the candidates for selection.
2 Thesis Title Sheet All applicants for Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences The file can be downloaded after the application information has been sent. Therefore, use this department’s stipulated form as the title sheet for the thesis, etc., to be submitted.
3 English Proficiency Test Score Sheet All applicants for Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Please affix to the department’s stipulated form and submit it (you can download the file after submitting your application).

Please refer here for the details of eligibility.

PDF to Be Created After Completing Web Entry

Documents Created for Remarks
1 Reference Card All applicants The Web Entry system instructs you to supply a photograph for your Reference Card in JPEG format. The photograph must be taken within the last three months and must not include hats or other head adornments.
Print out the Reference Card with your photograph and bring a copy of the card to the venue with you on the examination day.
2 Address Sheet All applicants Attach the address sheet to your envelope when you submit the required documents to us by mail.

    【Submission Periods】

  • July Selection Process: June 4, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
  • October Selection Process: September 13, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024
3 Form for Submission of the Certificate of Payment of Application Fee Applicants who made a convenience store payment Attach the Receipt Portion (certificate of payment) of the Examination Fee Statement to the form and submit it to us by mail.
4 Research Plan Only applicants whose “Research Plan”, includes mathematical formulae, Greek letters, or special symbols that cannot be entered in the Web Entry system Fill out and submit it to us by mail.
(The format of the form must not be changed. Do not write outside the box.)
5 Thesis Title Sheet Persons who have completed a master’s program or a program equivalent or superior to a master’s program, or have obtained a degree corresponding to a master’s degree Enter the required items, and use as all title sheets for the thesis, etc., submitted (a photocopy is acceptable)
6 Summary of Thesis Person submitting a thesis that is not in either Japanese or English Fill in the required items on this sheet and submit it to us by mail.
7 Research Outlines A: All applicants for Doctoral Programs in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences and Coaching Science
B: Applicants for Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience, Design, Human Care Science, Public Health, or Sports Medicine who are expected to complete a master’s program or a program equivalent or superior to a master’s program, or are expected to obtain a degree corresponding to a master’s degree
Fill in the required items on this sheet and submit it to us by mail.
8 Form for Submission of English Proficiency Test Scores All applicants for Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Attach the original valid score sheet to this form. ( Print-out of the official digital certificate of the TOEIC Test is acceptable.)
All applicants for Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine
All applicants for Doctoral Program in Coaching Science

Results from the entrance examination, as well as personal information obtained by the University of Tsukuba from the application documents, will be used not only for affairs concerning admission and screening, but also research and study aimed at improvement of the admission procedure and the university education. We will carefully take care of the data not to be disclosed as a specific person. Also, we will use the data to screen students for scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization, which are offered to individuals who have completed the enrollment procedures.

4. Examination Fees | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

4. Examination Fees

30,000 Japanese Yen (nonrefundable)

* However, the examination fees are exempted for those who are.
1. The Government-Sponsored(Japanese Government Monbukagakushoscholarship).
2. Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.

Please pay from one of the following

Credit Card Payment (for all applicants)

Visa, MasterCard, JCB, and American Express are accepted.
You can make a payment by using your credit card at the last stage of the Web Entry system or at this website.

After the payment, you will be provided with a receipt number; enter the number into the box on the Web Entry system.
Print out the application completed page after the payment and submit it together with other required documents to us by mail.

For details, see the payment instructions.
Administration fees need to be covered by the applicant.

Convenience Store Payment (for domestic applicants only)

Payments can be made at LAWSON, 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, or MINISTOP.
To pay your fee at a convenience store, follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system or at this website (available in Japanese only).

After the payment, enter the name of the convenience store that you used, the date of payment, and the number given by the store into the box on the Web Entry system.

  1. 7-Eleven: 13 digits
  2. LAWSON, FamilyMart, MINISTOP: 11 digits

Detach the Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) from the Examination Fee Statement given to you at the convenience store and affix it to the “Form for Submission of the Certificate of Payment of Application Fee”. You can create the form in PDF format and print it out from the Web Entry system. Submit it together with other required documents to us by mail.
For details, see the payment instructions.
Administration fees need to be covered by the applicant.

5. Application Procedure | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

5. Application Procedure

  1. Visit the Web Entry System to apply. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make edits. Be sure to double-check before proceeding.
      【Application Period】

    • July Selection Process: May 24, 2024 – June 3, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
    • August Selection Process: July 9, 2024 – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
    • October Selection Process: September 2, 2024 – September 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
    • January to February Selection Process: December 2, 2024 – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  2. Some of the documents have to be submitted by mail, and these must be received by the deadline. When you submit your application online, the system will ask you to create an Address Sheet in PDF format. Print out the sheet and submit it along with the other required documents to us.
    If your documents are not received by the due date, you will not be able to take the exam.

      【Due Dates】

    • July Selection Process: June 4, 2024
    • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
    • October Selection Process: September 13, 2024
    • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024

    ※After you complete the application procedure on the Web Entry System, you are not allowed to change the program of your choice.
    ※Unless requested, all documents submitted will not be returned to you.
    ※Examination fees which have been paid are non-refundable.
    ※Should you have any question about the curriculum or the research field, contact the department that runs your desired program.
    ※If any false or forged statements are found in the application documents, or if there is any obvious examination misconduct, the acceptance and admission may be revoked.

6. Screening Criteria | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

6. Screening Criteria

We will determine the students to be admitted by evaluating the submitted documents and their academic skills as a whole.

Examination Schedule and the Subjects

Refer to the schedule below:

Doctoral Program in NeuroscienceDoctoral

Date Friday, August 23
Subject Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Neuroscience You will be asked to make a presentation about your master’s thesis, or the contents of research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and your research plans after entrance, and will be examined orally about each research field.
Date Thursday, January 30
Subject Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Neuroscience You will be asked to make a presentation about your master’s thesis, or the contents of research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and your research plans after entrance, and will be examined orally about each research field.
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  2. Information about your oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email.
  3. Web page relating to this doctoral program:

Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport SciencesDoctoral

Date Monday, February 3
Subject Foreign Language
(100 points)
Master’s or other thesis
(100 points)
Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Physical Education,
Health and Sport Sciences
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report on the exam day.
In addition to the Research Outline submitted at the time of application, submit the thesis on the examination date, and conduct an oral presentation about the thesis. There will be a question-and-answer session on this basis, and evaluation as a thesis. Individual Interview
You will conduct an oral presentation about your research plans. There will also be a question-and-answer session on this basis.
  1. In the case of foreign language, affix the original of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS via postal mail to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it on the exam day.
  2. Applicants who have taken the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test after April 2023 and have been issued the Digital Official Score Certificate should follow the instructions when submitting the web application, enter the URL and submit the printed copy of the Digital Official Score Certificate on the department’s stipulated form on the exam day. In this case, there is no need to submit the originals of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate.

    Once the Digital Official Score Certificate is issued, please send the URL of the Digital Official Score Certificate and Degree program applied to Admissions Committee for Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba ( by e-mail as soon as possible. In addition, please submit a printed copy of the Digital Official Score Certificate on the exam day.

  3. It is not acceptable to submit photocopies of the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report, or to submit the TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report, or TOEFL ITP Score Report.
  4. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate and TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report should be valid in the case of examinations taken within two years before the examination day. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  5. The TOEIC or TOEFL scores will be evaluated on the basis of the below specifications. Scores above the specifications will be taken to be passes. Scores below the specifications will be converted.
  7. For the master’s or other thesis, bring two copies of a thesis relating to the study contents stated in the Research Outline (e.g. your master’s thesis; a temporarily bound thesis is acceptable), and submit it at the time on the examination date stipulated by the Doctoral Program of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences. If a thesis is not submitted by the examination date at the time stipulated by the Physical Education Doctoral Program, then, irrespective of the reasons, your master’s or other thesis will be taken as incomplete application, and you will be excluded from the candidates for selection.
  8. The oral examination will include a presentation about the Master’s thesis or other thesis and about your research plans, so persons who are to take the examination should prepare four copies of presentation materials (hand-outs, for which the format is not specified), in Japanese, and bring them to the oral examination. The presentation time is totally 15 min.
  9. In the thesis presentation and the oral examination you can use either the presentation materials alone, or also a PC projector. The presentation time is 15 minutes. If a PC projector is to be used, this and other required equipment will be prepared in the examination room, but the examinee should prepare his/her own computer. If you have any questions about thesis presentation and the oral examination, such as the equipment, ask the below contact point about them before the examination.
  10. The applicant should contact a supervisor in his/her preferred research field and get an approval from the supervisor before the examination. The email addresses, etc., of faculty members are shown on the web page for this doctoral program.
  11. Information about the thesis presentation and the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email.
  12. Refer to the following web page for information about this doctoral program:
    Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences

    Contact for information on the examination
    Admissions Committee of Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

Doctoral Program in ArtDoctoral

Date Thursday, January 30
Subject Oral Examination
(200 points)
Time 10:00-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Art You will make a presentation about the contents of your research to date, and your research plans after admission, and there will be a question-and answer session about your presentation and specialized field.
  1. The presentation as part of the oral examination is made using a PC projector. Prepare 30 copies of a printed summary of the presentation contents, in Japanese or English, on A4 paper, and bring them to the oral examination with you.
    Bring the relevant data with your presentation on a USB memory stick. The projector and computer will be prepared for you.
  2. Information about the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email address.
  3. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  4. For details about this doctoral program, refer to the following web page:
  5. Contact for information on the examination
    Chair of Doctoral Program in Art
    HOTOKEYAMA Terumi (E-mail
    KANNO Chiaki (E-mail
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

Doctoral Program in DesignDoctoral

Date Tuesday, July 9
Subject Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Design Interview (approx. 30minutes)
You will be asked to give a presentation for approx. 15minutes about the contents of the research for your master’s thesis, or the research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and your research plans in Doctoral Program. On the basis of this presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session.
NOTE: Conducted online.
Date Thursday, October 17
Subject Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 13:30-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Design Interview (approx. 30minutes)
You will be asked to give a presentation for approx. 15minutes about the contents of the research for your master’s thesis, or the research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and your research plans in Doctoral Program. On the basis of this presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session.
NOTE: Conducted on-site at Tsukuba campus.
Date Thursday, January 30
Subject Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Design Interview (approx. 30minutes)
You will be asked to give a presentation for approx. 15minutes about the contents of the research for your master’s thesis, or the research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and your research plans in Doctoral Program. On the basis of this presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session.
NOTE: Conducted online.
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application. If you have two desired supervisors, please contact both of them.
    (Persons submitting applications by the Cooperative Graduate School System should contact one of full-time faculty members in relating research area together with a desired supervisor.)
  2. Further information about the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address.
  3. Prepare the keynote file of your presentation for oral examination in advance. Estimated presentation time is approximately 15 minutes. Detail information about the presentation time will be sent to your registered email address.

    In the oral examination conducted online, you will be asked to share your screen and show your keynote file.

    In the oral examination conducted on-site at Tsukuba campus, you will be asked to show your keynote file on a projector. Bring your own laptop computer with HDMI connectivity.

  4. For details about this doctoral program, refer to the following web page:

Doctoral Program in Heritage StudiesDoctoral

Date Thursday , January 30
Subject Oral Examination
(300 points)
Time 10:00-18:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Heritage Studies Individual Interview
You will give a presentation lasting about 20 minutes, about the contents of research for your master’s thesis or research recognized as equivalent to a master’s thesis, and about your hopes for research after admission. On the basis of this presentation, there will be a question-and-answer session about each of your specialized fields.
  1. The total score will be out of 400, including 100 points for the submitted thesis (e.g. master’s thesis).
  2. Information about the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email address.
  3. For details about this doctoral program, refer to the following web page:
  4. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  5. Contact for information on the examination
    Office (Heritage Studies) Tel +81.29.853.7099
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

Doctoral Program in Human Care Science3yr Doctoral

Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Written(100 points) Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-11:00
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Human Care Science English
(Japanese examinees can use an English to Japanese dictionary, and overseas examinees can use dictionaries from their native language to Japanese or English. However, electronic devices with dictionary functions, etc., must not be used.)
Specialized Subject Individual Interview
There will be an oral examination lasting 15 to 20 minutes, about your research plans, master’s thesis, etc.
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Written(100 points) Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-11:00
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Human Care Science English
(Japanese examinees can use an English to Japanese dictionary, and overseas examinees can use dictionaries from their native language to Japanese or English. However, electronic devices with dictionary functions, etc., must not be used.)
Specialized Subject Individual Interview
There will be an oral examination lasting 15 to 20 minutes, about your research plans, master’s thesis, etc.
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  2. If you have not been in contact with your preferred supervisor, contact Associate Professor Yuko Matsuda (

Doctoral Program in Public Health3yr Doctoral

Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Written(100 points) Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-11:00
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Public Health English
(Japanese examinees can use an English to Japanese dictionary, and overseas examinees can use dictionaries from their native language to Japanese or English. However, electronic devices with dictionary functions, etc., must not be used.)
Specialized Subject Individual Interview
There will be an oral examination lasting 15 to 20 minutes, about your research plans, master’s thesis, etc.
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Written(100 points) Oral Examination
(100 points)
Time 10:00-11:00
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
(JST, UTC+09:00)
Public Health English
(Japanese examinees can use an English to Japanese dictionary, and overseas examinees can use dictionaries from their native language to Japanese or English. However, electronic devices with dictionary functions, etc., must not be used.)
Specialized Subject Individual Interview
There will be an oral examination lasting 15 to 20 minutes, about your research plans, master’s thesis, etc.
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
    Persons submitting applications by the Cooperative Graduate School System should contact us together with Professor Masao Ichikawa
    For the address, etc., for your preferred supervisor, refer to the Public Health Dept. homepage.
  2. If you have not been in contact with your preferred supervisor, contact Professor Masao Ichikawa (

Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine3yr Doctoral

Date Tuesday, August 27
Subject Foreign Language (200 points) Oral Examination
(400 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Sports Medicine English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate.
Individual Interview
The oral examination will be about items relating to your preferred research field, and your own research plans.
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Foreign Language (200 points) Oral Examination
(400 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Sports Medicine English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate.
Individual Interview
The oral examination will be about items relating to your preferred research field, and your own research plans.
  1. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
    (If you would like a supervisor at a Cooperative Graduate School System, contact the Chair of Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine, Professor Hideyuki Takahashi, beforehand.)
  2. Applicants who have taken the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test after April 2023 and have been issued the Digital Official Score Certificate should follow the instructions when submitting the web application, enter the URL and submit the printed copy of the Digital Official Score Certificate on the department’s stipulated form at the application. In this case, there is no need to submit the originals of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate.

    Once the Digital Official Score Certificate is issued, please send the URL of the Digital Official Score Certificate and Degree program applied to Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba ( by e-mail as soon as possible. In addition, please submit a printed copy of the Digital Official Score Certificate on the exam day.

  3. It is not acceptable to submit photocopies of the TOEIC Official Score Certificate, or to submit the TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, or TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report.
  4. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate is valid in the case of examinations taken within two years before the examination day. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  5. Prepare your Research Plan from the following perspective:
    Enter the background, objectives, subjects and methods precisely for the research topic, and summarize the results you expect, and your future aims.
  6. Information about the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email address.
  7. Contact for information on the examination
    Admissions Committee of Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine
    (E-mail :
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

Doctoral Program in Coaching Science3yr Doctoral

Date Friday, January 31
Subject Foreign Language (100 points) Oral Examination
(200 points)
Time 10:00-17:00 (JST, UTC+09:00)
Coaching Science English
Submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate, TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report, or IELTS Academic Module Test Report Form.
Individual Interview
You will give a presentation about your research outline and research plans after admission, followed by a question-and-answer session.
  1. The total score will be 500, including 100 points for the Research Outline and Research Plan submitted, and 100 points for the Personal records.
  2. Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
  3. In the case of foreign language, affix the original of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate, the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS by postal mail, or the IELTS Academic Module Test Report Form to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application.
  4. Applicants who have taken the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test after April 2023 and have been issued the Digital Official Score Certificate should follow the instructions when submitting the web application, enter the URL and submit the printed copy of the Digital Official Score Certificate on the department’s stipulated form at the application. In this case, there is no need to submit the originals of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate.
  5. It is not acceptable to submit photocopies of the TOEIC Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report, or IELTS Academic Module Test Report Form, or to submit the TOEIC SW Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Bridge Test Official Score Certificate, TOEIC Institutional Program (IP) Score Report, TOEFL ITP Score Report, or IELTS General Training Module Test Report Form.
  6. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate, TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report and IELTS Academic Module Test Report Form are valid in the case of examinations taken within two years before the examination day. The submitted originals will not be returned.
  7. In the oral examination, the presentation can be made using a PC projector. If you intend to use a PC projector, the PC projector and any other required equipment will be prepared for you in the examination room, but examinees should prepare their own computers. If you have any questions about equipment, etc., ask the below contact point about these beforehand.
  8. Information about the oral examination will be sent to your registered email address. Be sure to check your email address.
  9. For details about this doctoral program, refer to the following web page:
  10. Contact for information on the examination
    Chair of Doctoral Program in Coaching Science
    NAKAYAMA Masao Tel +81.29.853.8060
    If you ask questions by email, title the message “Question about the examination (XX [applicant’s name])”.

7. Testing Location, Announcement of Acceptance, and Enrollment Procedure | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

7. Testing Location, Announcement of Acceptance, and Enrollment Procedure

Testing Location

University of Tsukuba (1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken)
Refer to “10. Information and Instructions for Examinees” for details.

Announcement of Acceptance

  • July Selection Process: July 18, 2024
  • August Selection Process: September 12, 2024
  • October Selection Process: October 31, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: February 14, 2025

The examinee numbers of the successful applicants will be posted on the website.
Letter of Acceptance will be issued online.
An email will be sent to the email address registered for the application from 10:00 a.m. on the day of acceptance announcement sequentially.
Please follow the instructions in that email to download Letter of Acceptance.

Enrollment Procedure

  1. (1)Enrollment Procedure Guidelines (which include documents to be submitted before entrance) will be sent out to successful applicants. Follow the direction in the Guidelines.
      <Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2024>

    • July 18 (Thu.) 2024
      (Successful applicants for the Doctoral Program in Design July Selection Process (General Selection Process))
      <Date of dispatch : for entrants in April 2025>
      Sent out in two instalments.

    • October 31 (Wed.) 2024
      (Successful applicants for the July, August and October Selection Process)
    • February 14, 2025
      (Successful applicants for the January-February Selection Process)
      <Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2025>

    • Late June 2025

    Note1: The successful applicants need to notify us in advance if they are moving house permanently before the date above or travelling when the documents are expected to be delivered.

    Note2: All applicants with a full-time job need a document or a letter (e.g., an order for a training course, a letter for a leave of absence, or an approval letter) from the employer to prove that they are available to complete the program.

    Note3: The documents should be mailed . The deadline will be mentioned in Enrollment Procedure Guidelines.

  2. (2)Estimated Expenses Upon Entrance
    1. (a)Entrance fees are 282,000 Japanese Yen (nonrefundable).
    2. (b)Tuition:
      ・The tuition for the first semester of the academic year (April-September) is 267,900 Japanese Yen.
      ・The tuition for the second semester (October-March) is 267,900 Japanese Yen. (Yearly Amount: 535,800 Japanese Yen)
    1. Note 1:If fees are revised before entrance or while enrolled in this Graduate School, the revised tuition fees will be applied.
    2. Note 2However, the Entrance fees are exempted for those who are.
      1)The Government-Sponsored(Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship).
      2)Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.
      * Those who complete the program in March and enroll in April of the following year will be required to pay the examination fee.
  3. (3)International applicants must acquire a Status of Residence suitable for entrance to a graduate school, in accordance with the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of 1951), before beginning the enrollment procedures. Those who wish to enter this Graduate School as an international student must acquire Status of Residence as a “Student”.

8. Previous Examinations | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

8. Previous Examinations

Graduate School (Program) Browsing Photocopy Postal Delivery Contact Direct Phone Number
Neuroscience (Note1) Laboratory of Advanced Research D Office +81 29.853.2999
Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (Note1) Physical Education Office +81 29.853.2739
Art (Note1) Art and Design Office +81 29.853.2841
Design (Note1) Art and Design Office +81 29.853.6508
Heritage Studies (Note1) Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area +81 29.853.2997
Human Care Science Not Available Available
Laboratory of Advanced Research D Office +81 29.853.2591
Public Health Not Available Available
Laboratory of Advanced Research D Office +81 29.853.2591
Sports Medicine (Note1) Laboratory of Advanced Research D Office +81 29.853.2998
Coaching Science Available
Not Available Physical Education Office +81 29.853.2739
  1. This is an oral examination, so no previous entrance examination questions that have been made public are available.
  2. In the case of the Human Care Science and Public Health Programs, guidance for the postal delivery of parts of past questions without copyright infringement is given in “Admission” page on the homepage of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences’ Human Care Science and Public Health Programs. (
  3. In the case of the Coaching Program, questions have been made public on the homepage of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences’ Coaching Program

9. Applicants Who Need Assistance, 10. Information and Instructions for Examinees and 11. Contact Us | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

9. Applicants Who Need Assistance

If you need assistance due to disability, contact the Division of Admission by following dates:

    【Due Dates】

  • July Selection Process: May 22, 2024
  • August Selection Process: July 3, 2024
  • October Selection Process: August 29, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: November 26, 2024

Click here for sending your request.

10. Information and Instructions for Examinees

We will post the “Information and Instructions for Examinees” on our website.

    【Estimated Release Dates】

  • July Selection Process: June 17, 2024
  • August Selection Process: August 2, 2024
  • October Selection Process: September 24, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: January 9, 2025

11. Contact Us

If you have any questions about the application guidelines, contact us at:

Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-ken 305-8574 Japan

Hours: 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday except national holidays

12. Disclosure of Admission Examination Results

The Following Information will be Disclosed Regarding the Results of Examinees Who Took the Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences (Doctoral Program) General Selection Process and Special Selection Process for Working Individuals for Adults Who were Not Successful in the Examination.

  1. Contents of Disclosure
    Total Score of the Candidate Who Failed the Examination
    ※However, the Following Results Will not be Disclosed
    (1) Absentee from One or More Courses
    (2) Online Entrance Examinations for Those Living Abroad.
  2. Applicant
    The Examinee Himself /Herself
  3. How to Request
    Please Send Your Request by Mail, Enclosing the Following
    (1) Request Form for Disclosure of Admission Information
    (2) Examination Voucher (to be returned at the time of disclosure)
    (If you have lost the Examination Voucher, a copy of your Student ID, Driver’s License, etc.)
    (3) Reply Envelope (long size #3) with your Name and Address written on it and a 460 Yen Stamp Affixed.
    However, if you are an Overseas Resident, Please Inquire by E-mail to the Billing Office.
  4. Request Period
    May 1, 2025 – May 30, 2025
  5. Disclosure Method
    Disclosed Information will be mailed to the Person in Question Sequentially after the Deadline of the Request Period.
  6. Billing Office
    1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
    Division Graduate Admissions Office, University of Tsukuba

Register Extending System | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Register Extending System

Eligible Applicants

Working students or those who need to take care of family members, such as children or the elderly


Register Extending System allows students to complete a master’s or a doctoral program in a period longer than usual.
Master’s programs: The period can be extended from standard 2 years to 3 or 4 years.
Doctoral programs: The period can be extended from standard 3 years to 4 or 5 years.

Application Period

Consult the Chair of your program as well as your supervisor for approval of application.
Submit required documents within the time period for enrollment procedure.
Details of the long-term enrollment system will be posted on the website of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences around the end of January 2025.

Dual Degree Programs at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Dual Degree Programs at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences


Dual Degree Programs allow doctoral students to enroll in a master’s or professional degree program either at the same graduate school or at different ones to earn a master’s degree there.

In this context, a “dual degree” refers to a degree obtained by a graduate school student enrolled in a doctoral program at this university simultaneously enrolling in a master’s program or professional degree program (except legal professional qualifications at the Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences), and obtaining both degrees.

A Dual Degree Program is currently in operation by the Design Doctoral Program in Design (the primary program) and the Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems Masterʼs Program, at the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology (the secondary program). For details about this program, refer to the doctoral program homepage.

It is not easy to obtain two degrees within a limited time. However, if you wish to do this, you can consult your expected supervisor in the Design Doctoral Program in Design (included in the list of faculty members’ research fields), get a sufficient explanation, and then submit an application.

If you do decide to submit an application, you should receive the Dual Degree Program Application Form in relation to the graduate school educational activities of the Art and Sport Sciences Area Academic Service Office, which is responsible for the Design Doctoral Program in Design (the primary program), after which you should get the names of your expected supervisors for the primary and secondary programs, and submit the items required for student enrollment by the deadline for application eligibility screening.

If you are approved for the Dual Degree Program on the basis of the screening, we will send you a Dual Degree Program Completion Permission Document, and you should attach a photocopy of this to your application. If you decide to apply simultaneously for the doctoral and master’s programs, you should attach the Dual Degree Program Completion Permission Document to each application, and there will then be no examination fee for the master’s program.

Please be aware that to join the program, you must pass the stipulated entrance examinations, and go through the other entrance procedures. If you have a lot of interest in this program, you may apply simultaneously for the master’s and doctoral programs, but in this case, if you are not accepted for the doctoral program, you will also not be accepted for the master’s doctoral program.

If you pass the entrance examination, neither an admission fee for the master’s doctoral program or tuition fees for the duration of the program will be charged.

Special Provision on Educational Method Stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate School | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Special Provision on Educational Method Stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools

Education provided under special provision

Dual Degree Programs allow doctoral students to enroll in a master’s or professional degree program either at the same graduate school or at different ones to earn a master’s degree there.

Along with the progress of science technology and the sophistication of society, there are increasing demands for the return of working individuals to graduate schools. In response to these demands, Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools stipulates that graduate schools may, if necessary from an educational standpoint, provide education through appropriate means, which include conducting classes or research guidance in the evening and other certain hours and periods.

This stipulation provides more working individuals with opportunities to receive graduate school education while in employment and to develop the knowledge and skills to assume leadership roles in educational research and practices. Under Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools, master’s and doctoral programs in the University of Tsukuba Graduate Schools, which have achieved in fostering skilled professionals and re-educating working individuals, have introduced a day/evening course system to enhance education and research activities.

Requirements to complete the program (Doctoral Program in Art)

  1. You must complete four special exercises for the specialized topic of an art-related field (corresponding to Article 14), and your research must be directed as necessary for preparation of a doctoral thesis.
  2. You must receive eight special exercise units, submit your doctoral thesis, and pass the thesis assessment and final examination.
Program Requirement to Complete the Program
Doctoral Program in Art Advanced Seminar : Theory of Art IA(2 credits)
Advanced Seminar : Theory of Art IB(2 credits)
Advanced Seminar : Theory of Art IIA(2 credits)
Advanced Seminar : Theory of Art IIB(2 credits)