Doctoral Programs | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Doctoral Programs

Biology / Geosciences
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process / General Selection Process (October Entry)/ Special Selection Process for Working Individuals / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals (October Entry))
Agricultural Sciences
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals (October Entry))
Life and Agricultural Sciences / Bioindustrial Sciences
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Environmental Studies
  • August Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
  • January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)

The following are combined application guidelines for all the programs above.

Important Notice:
To International Students and Applicants Residing Abroad

Security Export Control

The University of Tsukuba has established the University of Tsukuba Rules on Security Export Control in accordance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA), and conducts strict examinations for acceptance of international students etc. International applicants who fall under any of the conditions set out in said regulations may be unable to enter their desired program.

[IMPORTANT] Procedures for “Deemed Export” for Security Export Control

In order to strengthen the prevention of leakage of sensitive technology related to security, “deemed export control” was clarified and related laws and regulations were revised (effective May 1, 2022).
As a result, our university has decided to require all applicants to our Graduate School to confirm the applicability of Specific Categories.
Please review the link below and check the corresponding items on the web application system.

・Procedures for “Deemed Export” for Security Export Control

Application Process Overview Chart

Check your eligibility!

*Those who wish to apply for the “Special Selection of Working Individuals” must have at least one year of full-time or part-time work experience by entrance.
(A) No Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals:
(General Selection Process)

  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree
  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a specialized degree
  • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree in a foreign country
  • Others

(Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)

  • Individuals who have earned a master’s degree
  • Individuals who have earned a specialized degree
  • Individuals who have earned a master’s degree in a foreign country
  • Others
    (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an email.)
(B) Eligibility Screening is required for the following individuals:
  • Individuals who have graduated from a junior college or a high school as latest academic background
  • Individuals who have graduated from a vocational school or a similar school as latest academic background
  • Individuals who have graduated from a four-year university as latest academic background
  • Others
    (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an email.)
Assessment of Eligibility for Application

Individuals who are expected to undergo the Eligibility Screening should contact Academic Service Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area in advance.
E-mail us to obtain necessary documents and mail or in person the documents for the assessment. If you are deemed eligible for admission, you will be given a passcode required for the “Educational Background” page of the Web Entry system.
(* Individuals who have previously applied for the Eligibility Screening and been deemed eligible should also apply for the screening again.)

    【Due Dates】

  • August Selection Process : July 3, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process : November 26, 2024
Applicants Who Need Assistance

If you need assistance due to disability, contact us by the following dates:

    【Due Dates】

  • August Selection Process : July 3, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process : November 26, 2024
Web Entry

You can apply to the University of Tsukuba online through our Web Entry system. Read the guidelines carefully before applying.

    【Application Period】

  • August Selection Process : July 9, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • January to February Selection Process : December 2, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
Sign Up

First, you will need your own account to login. Once create an account, you may save the data you entered and log back in later to continue.


When you sign up, an activation URL will be sent to your registered e-mail address. Click the URL to activate your account.


For the first time after you activate your account, you will be automatically logged in. Just click the “Login” button to begin. Thereafter, when you visit our Login page, you will need to enter your e-mail address and password to begin.

My Page

On “My Page,” you need to click the “Application Form” button for the appropriate program.
On this page, you can edit your login information or reset your password.

Application Form

There are four sections in the Application Form:

  1. Degree Program / Applicant’s Information
  2. Supervisor
  3. Eligibility
  4. Educational Background

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) in each section are required fields and must be filled in. (If a required field is left blank or entered improperly, an error message will be displayed and you will not be able to proceed to the next section.)

Each section will be saved when you click the “Proceed” button on each confirmation page. After saving, you can continue from where you left off when you login again. Use one-byte alphabets and numbers to input all the information.

In the “1.Degree Program / Applicant’s Information” section, please upload a JPEG image of your proof photo.

In the “4.Education Background” section, upload a JPEG file of your degree certificate to the Web Entry System.


You must pay the examination fee before submitting your application. The university accepts:

  1. Online credit card payments for both domestic and overseas applicants
  2. Convenience store payments for domestic applicants only

Credit Card Payment: Follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system and pay your fees by credit card. After the payment, you will be notified of a receipt number. Enter the number into the “Receipt Number” box and click the “Submit” button to proceed.
Convenience Store Payment: Follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system and pay your fees at a convenience store in Japan. When you apply for “Convenience Store Payment” online, after the payment, enter the code and payment date into the boxes on the Web Entry system and click the “Submit” button to proceed.

However, the examination fees are exempted for those who are
1. The Government-Sponsored(Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship).
2. Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.


After the payment is confirmed, you can submit your application by clicking the “Submit to Apply” button.
Once you click on the button, the information you have entered will be sent to the university, and you will not be able to go back to make edits. Be sure to double-check before proceeding.
After you submit your application, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address. Be sure to check it.

(*Check and adjust the spam filter settings in your e-mail account beforehand so that you can receive an e-mail from the “” domain.)

Create PDF

After you submit your application, follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry and be sure to print the PDF documents. You can download them from the Web Entry system only while the system is open.

    【Application Period】

  • August Selection Process : July 9, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  • January to February Selection Process : December 2, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)

Web Entry

Submission of Documents

Original copies of the documents listed in 3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted need to be subumitted by registered mail, such as EMS, or in person no later than the deadlines mentioned below.
Your application will not be reviewed unless all required documents are received.

    【Due Dates】

  • August Selection Process :July 23, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process : December 13, 2024

(Note) The Academic Service Office closes at 3:00 pm (JST). The application brought in after that time will not be accepted.

Information and Instructions for Examinees

We will post the “Information and Instructions for Examinees” on our website. Check the documents before the examination.

    【Estimated Release Dates】

  • August Selection Process :August 2, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process :January 9, 2025
Examination Dates
  • August Selection Process : August 21, 22 2024
  • January to February Selection Process : January 28, 29, 2025

*Keep checking on our website for the latest news regarding the entrance examination. We will consider how to take place the examination, depending on the situation caused by the spread of COVID-19.

Announcement of Admission Results
  • August Selection Process : September 12, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process : February 14, 2025

The examinee number of the successful applicants will be posted on the website
Letter of Acceptance will be issued online.
An email will be sent to the email address registered for the application from 10:00 a.m. on the day of acceptance announcement sequentially.
Please follow the instructions in that email to download Letter of Acceptance.

Documents for Enrollment

An enrollment packet (which contain documents to be submitted before entrance) will be sent to successful applicants.

    【Date of dispatch: for entrants in April 2025】
    Sent out in two instalments.

  • October 31 (Thu.) 2024
    (Successful applicants for the July and August Selection Process)
  • February 14 (Fri.) 2025
    (Successful applicants for the January-February Selection Process)
    【Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2025】

  • Late June 2025
Procedure for Enrollment
  • April entry: In the beginning of March 2025
  • October entry: In the late of August 2025
  • April entry: On April 1, 2025
  • October entry: On October 1, 2025

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan


1. Number of Students to be Admitted and 2. Eligibility for Admission | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

1. Number of Students to be Admitted

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Doctoral Programs Biology 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Agricultural Sciences 22 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Life and Agricultural Sciences 8 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Bioindustrial Sciences 4 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Geosciences 9 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Environmental Studies 6 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.

  • For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.
  • Students are enrolled in April.

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Doctoral Programs Biology 4 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Agricultural Sciences 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Life and Agricultural Sciences 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Bioindustrial Sciences 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Geosciences A few The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Environmental Studies 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.

  • For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.
  • Students are enrolled in April.
  • Applicants for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students may apply for the Special Selection of Working Individuals.

January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Doctoral Programs Biology* 13 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Agricultural Sciences 16 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Life and Agricultural Sciences 3 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Bioindustrial Sciences 4 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Geosciences* 10 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Environmental Studies 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.

  • For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.
  • Students of Biology* and Geosciences* are enrolled in April or October.
  • For other programs, students are enrolled in April.

January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)

Course Program Number of Students to be Admitted Remarks
Doctoral Programs Biology* 6 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Agricultural Sciences* 5 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Life and Agricultural Sciences 3 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Bioindustrial Sciences 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Geosciences* A few The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.
Environmental Studies 2 The number includes students who apply for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students.

  • For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.
  • Students of Biology*・Agricultural Sciences (Only Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)* and Geosciences* are enrolled in April or October.
  • For other programs, students are enrolled in April.
  • Applicants for the Cooperative Graduate School System and foreign students may apply for the Special Selection of Working Individuals.

2. Eligibility for Admission

General Selection Process(For April entry)

  1. Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements:
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree by March 2025
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a specialized degree by March 2025
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a degree equivalent to a master’s degree or a specialized degree in a foreign country by March 2025
  2. Applicants who need the Eligibility Screening before applying:
    • Individuals who are deemed to be equivalent to have earned a master’s degree or a specialized degree, and have turned 24 years old or will be 24 years old by March 2025
    • Others
      (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an e-mail.)

General Selection Process(For October entry)

  1. Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements:
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a master’s degree by September 2025
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a specialized degree by September 2025
    • Individuals who have earned or expect to earn a degree equivalent to a master’s degree or a specialized degree in a foreign country by September 2025
  2. Applicants who need the Eligibility Screening before applying:
    • Individuals who are deemed to be equivalent to have earned a master’s degree or a specialized degree, and have turned 24 years old or will be 24 years old by September 2025
    • Others
      (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an e-mail.)

Special Selection Process for Working Individuals

Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements and have or expect to have at least one year of full-time or part-time working experience by March 2025 (April entry) or September 2025 (October entry). (This includes employment at a company, public office, educational institution, other organizations, and housework.)

  1. Applicants will be deemed eligible if they meet one of the following requirements:
    • Individuals who have earned a master’s degree
    • Individuals who have earned a specialized degree
    • Individuals who have earned a master’s degree in a foreign country
      (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an e-mail.)
  2. Applicants who need the Eligibility Screening before applying:
    • Individuals who are deemed to be equivalent to have earned a master’s degree or a specialized degree, and have turned 24 years old or will be 24 years old by March 2025 (April entry)or September 2025 (October entry).
    • Others
      (If you have any questions about your eligibility, send us an e-mail.)

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan


3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

3. Web Entry and Documents to be Submitted

With our Web Entry system, you can submit the application online. Read this section carefully before applying online.

Information You Need for Web Entry

Information Required for Remarks
1. Program of Your Choice / Applicant’s Information All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
You are requested to upload a photograph for your Reference Card in JPEG format. The photograph must be taken within the last three months and must not include hats or other head adornments.
2. Supervisor All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Confirmation of External English Exam Scores

【Validity Period of Test Score】
August Selection Process:test taken after August 2022
January to February Selection Process: test taken after January 2023

August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process :
[General Selection Process]
Applicants for Doctoral Program in Biology
Please follow the web input procedure and enter the information of a valid score report during the application period.
Valid score reports:

  • Official Score Certificate or Official Score Report for the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test
  • Digital Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test
  • Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report for TOEFL iBT® (an Examinee’s copy sent to the test taker by ETS in the United States)
  • Test Taker Score Report for TOEFL iBT® Home Edition

(Please refer to “note” in Doctoral Program in Biology section in “ 6. Screening Criteria” .)

※Regarding submitting TOEIC Digital Official Score Certificate, TOEFL iBT score reports, Please check ≪here≫

3. Eligibility All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Research Plan August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process:
[General Selection Process]
Applicants for Doctoral Program in Biology / Agricultural Sciences(Subprogram in Agricultural Technology and Sciences cooperated with NARO) / Bioindustrial Sciences / Environmental Studies

August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process:
[Special Selection Process for Working Individuals]
All applicants

Summarize your research plan in English (about 1,000 words) following the instructions on the Web Entry system. You may use the prescribed form downloadable from the Web Entry system only if it is essential for you to use mathematical formulae, Greek letters, special symbols, or diagrams which cannot be entered into the system. Fill it out and submit it together with the other required documents by mail or in person. The format of the form must not be changed. Any texts may not be written outside the box.
Summary of Thesis Applicants who submit a thesis written in a language other than Japanese or English Enter the summary written in English (about 1,500 words) in the Web Entry system.
Research Outline August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process:
[General Selection Process]
Applicants who expect to complete a master’s program or a program equivalent to or higher than a master’s program
Enter the outline of the ongoing research with its expected results in English (about 1,500 words) in the Web Entry system.
Activity/ Research Achievement Record August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process:
[Special Selection Process for Working Individuals]
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies
Enter list and details of previous activities and research achievements in the specified column in the Web Entry system.
4. Educational Background All applicants Follow the instructions on the Web Entry system.
Research Activities All applicants who have research history
Employment Records All applicants who have employment history
Examination Fees All applicants
* However, the examination fees are exempted for those who are
1. The Government-Sponsored(Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship).
2. Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.

(*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)

Follow the instructions given on the last page of the Web Entry system and pay your fees.
The following payment methods are available.
Credit Card (for all applicants):
Pay your fees online. After the payment, enter the receipt number into the box on the Web Entry system.
Convenience Store (for domestic applicants only):
Pay your fees at a convenience store in Japan. After the payment, enter the name of the convenience store, the date of payment, and the number given by the store into the box on the Web Entry system.

Documents Needed for Application

(The original copies need to be submitted to us by registered mail, such as EMS, or in person.)

Documents Who must submit Instructions
(Expected) Graduation Certificate *1 All applicants Submit a graduation certificate (or an official document certifying that you are expected to graduate) issued by a university or other type of educational institution that awarded or will award you a master’s degree, professional degree or their equivalent. The document must be in English or Japanese.


  • Even if you have a higher (i.e. doctoral) degree, you must submit a graduation certificate of master’s program.
  • The document must be original. If you cannot submit the original graduation certificate because it cannot be reissued, a photocopy attested by an authorized official of your university is acceptable. However, photocopies without the official university seal are not acceptable, as their authenticity cannot be verified.
  • If the certificate (original) is issued online by an overseas university graduate, a ‘copy of the page and the URL’ of the official website of the issuing institution (university) must be attached to the certificate to confirm that the certificate is an ‘online certificate = original’.
  • For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
Degree Certificate *1 Those who graduated from a graduate school outside Japan If you have graduated or expected to graduate from a university or other type of educational institution in a country other than Japan, submit a degree certificate (or an official document certifying that you are expected to earn a degree). The documents must be in English or Japanese.


  • Even if you have a higher (i.e. doctoral) degree, you must submit a master’s degree certificate.
  • The document must be original. If you cannot submit the original degree certificate because it cannot be reissued, a photocopy attested by an authorized official of your university is acceptable. However, photocopies without the official university seal are not acceptable, as their authenticity cannot be verified.
  • Eligibility for applicants who have graduated from universities in countries other than Japan will be confirmed individually, since the education system varies by countries. Please upload a scanned image of your degree certificate in JEPG format on to the Web Entry system before submitting.
  • If the certificate (original) is issued online, a ‘copy of the page and the URL’ of the official website of the issuing institution (university) must be attached to the certificate to confirm that the certificate is an ‘online certificate = original’.
  • For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
Academic Transcript *1 All applicants Submit an academic transcript issued by a university or other type of educational institution that awarded or will award you a master’s degree, professional degree or their equivalent. The document must be in Japanese or English. If any credits were transferred from another school, please also submit an academic transcript issued by that school which contains grade information for the transferred credits (e.g. A student who transferred to the current university must submit transcripts issued by the current university and the previous university).


  • Even if you have a higher (i.e. doctoral) degree, you must submit an academic transcript for master’s program.
  • The document must be original. If you cannot submit the original academic transcript because it cannot be reissued, a photocopy attested by an authorized official of your university is acceptable. However, photocopies without the official university seal are not acceptable, as their authenticity cannot be verified.
  • If the certificate (original) is issued online by an overseas university graduate, a ‘copy of the page and the URL’ of the official website of the issuing institution (university) must be attached to the certificate to confirm that the certificate is an ‘online certificate = original’.
  • For graduates of Chinese universities, see ‘*2 below’.
Thesis All applicants
(Except those who expect to complete a master’s program or a program equivalent to or higher than a master’s program, and who expect to earn a degree equivalent to a master’s degree)
Submit one of the following to the office of each program (Refer to “8. Thesis Submission and Inquiry”) by the end of the application period.

Attach a Thesis Title Sheet to the front page of your thesis. The envelope (prepared by the applicant) for submitting the thesis must have an Address Sheet for Thesis Submission attached. Make sure to send it by registered mail from a post office in Japan or by Express Mail Service from overseas.
(Do not send your thesis in the same envelope with your application documents.)

  1. Master’s thesis (Photocopies are acceptable.)
  2. Applicants who completed a program in the previous year or earlier may submit a more recent paper (photocopies are acceptable) instead of their master’s thesis.
  3. Applicants who have not been required to write a master’s thesis may submit an equivalent paper instead.
Research Plan Only applicants whose “Research Plan” needs mathematical formulae, Greek letters, special symbols, or diagrams which cannot be entered in the Web Entry system If applicable, check the box in the Web Entry system to download the form from the last page. Fill it out on one page and submit it to us by airmail or in person.
(The format of the form may not be changed. Any texts may not be written outside the box.)
Summary of Thesis Write in a format of your choice (with your desired program, your reference number and your name mentioned) and submit to us.
Research Outline
External English Exam Scores
(Please refer to the ‘details’ in the right to confirm the types of valid score reports.)

【Validity Period of Test Score】
August Selection Process:test taken after August 2022
January to February Selection Process: test taken after January 2023

August Selection Process/January to February Selection Process:
[General Selection Process]
Applicants for Doctoral Program in Biology
<Valid score reports>

  • Official Score Certificate or Official Score Report for the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test
  • Digital Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test
  • Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report for TOEFL iBT® (an Examinee’s copy sent to the test taker by ETS in the United States)
  • Test Taker Score Report for TOEFL iBT® Home Edition

Please make sure to submit the “original” score report when applying.

See 6. Screening Criteria.

* For submission procedure of Digital Official Score Certificate for the TOEIC, TOEFL iBT® Home Edition, and TOEFL iBT® Test Score Reports, please refer to ≪here≫

Copy of “Application Completed” Page of Examination Fee Payment by Credit Card Applicants who made a credit card payment
(*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)
After the payment, print out the “Application Completed” page, and submit it to us by airmail or in person.
Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) of Examination Fee Statement Applicants who made a convenience store payment
(*Refer to “4.Examination Fee.”)
After the payment, detach the Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) from the Examination Fee Statement given at the convenience store and submit it to us by airmail or in person.
The Receipt Portion needs to be attached to the form that can be created online and printed out after you complete the Web Entry procedure.
Letter of approval for entrance examination If applicable

  1. Individuals who are currently attending a university or graduate school
    *Except for April entry applicants who are expected to graduate by March 2025 and October entry applicants who
    are expected to graduate by September 2025
  2. Individuals who are currently working for a government agency, school, or company (except for part-time workers
The letter must be submitted by airmail or in person.

  1. Need to submit a letter of approval issued by the head of their university or graduate school (or the head of their department)
    allowing them to take the entrance examination or, submit a letter of application the applicant (stating that he/she will withdraw from the university before enrolment). Any format is acceptable, but the letter must be printed on A4 paper.
  2. Need to submit a letter of approval issued by a superior allowing them to take the entrance examination or a written self-declaration stating that attending the entrance examination will not adversely affect their duties. Any format is acceptable, but the letter must be printed on A4 paper.
Certificate of Government-Sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) Foreign Student If applicable The certificate must be submitted by airmail or in person.

  1. If you are enrolled in another university at the time of application, submit the certificate of the government-sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) foreign student issued by the university.
  2. Applicants who plan to receive the government-sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) foreign student must submit a copy of the “Passing Certificate of the First Screening” issued by the Japanese diplomatic mission abroad.
    (*Please make a JPEG image of the certificate to be submitted and upload it to the web system in advance so that we can check your eligibility for the government-sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship)

*1 In case your current name is different from that on the documents you submit (e.g., because of marriage), submit with the proof (e.g., copy of your marriage license).
If the student wishes to register under his/her maiden name, he/she can apply for the use of his/her maiden name during the enrolment procedure.

*2 Substitution of the original English version of the Academic Credentials verification report issued by the ‘China Higher-education Information and Student Information (CHSI (Japan))’ is acceptable.

PDF to Be Created After Completing Web Entry

※You can download them from the Web Entry system only during the application period

Documents Created for Remarks
Reference Card All applicants The Web Entry system instructs you to supply a photograph for your Reference Card in JPEG format. The photograph must be taken within the last three months and must not include hats or other head adornments.
Print out the Reference Card with your photograph and bring a copy of the card to the venue with you on the examination day.
Address Sheet All applicants Attach the address sheet to your envelope when you submit the required documents to us by registered mail, such as EMS, or in person.

    【Due Dates】

  • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024

(Note) The Academic Service Office closes at 3:00 pm (JST). The application brought in after that time will not be accepted.

Address Sheet for Thesis Submission If applicable Fill in the required items on this sheet and attach it to an envelope for submitting your thesis or paper.
Thesis Title Sheet If applicable Fill in the required items on this sheet and attach it to the front page of each thesis or paper to be submitted. (This sheet may be photocopied.)
Form for Submission of TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate or TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS to be submitted If applicable Attach an original copy of the Official Score Certificate or Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which was sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS.
Form for Submission of the Certificate of Payment of Application Fee Applicants who made a convenience store payment Attach the Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) of the Examination Fee Statement to the form.

Results from the entrance examination, as well as personal information obtained by the University of Tsukuba from the applicants’ documents, will be used for affairs concerning admission and screening, or may be used to improve the way of admission and university education keeping each identity confidential. Also, they will be used as part of the materials for screening students for tuition exemption or scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization, which are offered to individuals who have completed the enrollment procedures.

4. Examination Fees | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

4. Examination Fees

30,000 Japanese Yen (nonrefundable)

However, the examination fees are exempted for those who are
1. The Government-Sponsored(Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship).
2. Who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.

* University of Tsukuba have the special measures of examination fee exemption for the victims of disasters in Japan. For more details, please confirm this website.
This applies only to the victims of disasters in Japan.

Term of Payment

Don’t forget to pay the examination fees during the following term.

  • August Selection Process: July 9, 2024 – July 22, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: December 2, 2024 – December 12, 2024

Credit Card Payment (for all applicants):

Visa, MasterCard, JCB, and American Express are accepted.
You can make a payment by using your credit card at the last stage of the Web Entry system or at this website.

After the payment, you will be provided with a receipt number; enter the number into the box on the Web Entry system.
Print out the application completed page after the payment and submit it together with other required documents to us by mail or in person.

For details, see the payment instructions.
Administration fees need to be covered by the applicant.

Convenience Store Payment (for domestic applicants only):

Payments can be made at LAWSON, 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, or MINISTOP.
To pay your fee at a convenience store, follow the instructions given at the last stage of the Web Entry system or at this website (available in Japanese only).

After the payment, enter the name of the convenience store that you used, the date of payment, and the number given by the store into the box on the Web Entry system.

  1. 7-Eleven: 13 digits
  2. LAWSON, FamilyMart, MINISTOP: 11 digits

Detach the Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) from your Examination Fee Statement given to you at the convenience store and affix it to the “Form for Submission of the Certificate of Payment of Application Fee”. You can create the form in PDF format and print it out from the Web Entry system. Submit it together with other required documents to us by mail or in person.
For details, see the payment instructions.
Administration fees need to be covered by the applicant.

5. Application Procedure | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

5. Application Procedure

  1. Visit the Web Entry System to apply. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to make edits. Be sure to double-check before proceeding.
      【Application Period】

    • August Selection Process: July 9, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – July 22, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
    • January to February Selection Process: December 2, 2024 (from 12 p.m. JST) – December 12, 2024 (by 3 p.m. JST)
  2. Some of the documents have to be submitted by registered mail, such as EMS, or in person, and these must be received by the deadline. When you submit your application online, the system will ask you to create an Address Sheet in PDF format. Print out the sheet and paste on an envelope then submit it with the other required documents to us all.
    If your documents are not received by the due date or the documents are not completed, you will not be able to take the exam.

      【Due Dates】

    • August Selection Process: July 23, 2024
    • January to February Selection Process: December 13, 2024

    (Note) The Academic Service Office closes at 3:00 pm (JST). The application brought in after that time will not be accepted.

    <Place of Submission>
    See 11. Contact Us
      【Necessary documents】

    • All applicants: (Expected) Graduation Certificate, Academic Transcript
    • If Applicable: (Expected) Degree Certificate, Thesis , Research Plan / Summary of Thesis / Research Outline (only for those who are required to submit by registered mail), English score submission form (attach the original of the desired English score), Copy of “Application Completed” Page of Examination Fee Payment by Credit Card, Receipt Portion (Certificate of Payment) of Examination Fee Statement, Letter of Approval for Entrance Exam (Form of Your Selection), Certificate of Government-Sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship) Foreign Student, A copy of the Passing Certificate of the First Screening
  3. After you complete the application procedure on the Web Entry System, you are not allowed to change the program of your choice.
  4. Unless requested, all documents submitted will not be returned to you.
    Examination fees which have been paid are non-refundable.
  5. Should you have any question about the curriculum or the research field, contact the department that runs your desired program. (See 8. Thesis Submission and Inquiry)
  6. If any false or forged statements are found in the application documents, or if there is any obvious examination misconduct, the acceptance or admission may be revoked.

6. Screening Criteria | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

6. Screening Criteria

We will determine the students to be admitted by evaluating the submitted documents and their academic skills as a whole.

Examination Schedule and the Subjects

Refer to the schedule below:

Doctoral Program in BiologyDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Thursday, August 22
Subject Foreign Language (100 points) Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 13:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Biology English
Evaluate the score on the TOEIC, TOEFL or TOEFL iBT® Home Edition.
See (Note) 1 – 3.
Individual Interview
Presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plans after enrollment (15 minutes), followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English. No materials or computer can be brought in. An LCD projector is available for use on site.
See (Note) 4.
January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
(a) General Selection Process
Date Wednesday, January 29
Subject Foreign Language (100 points) Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Biology English
Evaluate the score on the TOEIC or TOEFL or TOEFL iBT® Home Edition.
See (Note) 1 – 3.
Individual Interview
Presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plans after enrollment (15 minutes), followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English. No materials or computer can be brought in. An LCD projector is available for use on site.
See (Note) 4.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application. (Refer to

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Biology will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Submit the original of TOEIC Official Score Certificate (with your photo on), TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report (with your photo on) or TOEFL iBT® Home Edition Score Report (with your photo on) (Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS by postal mail) when you apply for the entrance examination. Submit only the score of the test in August 2022 afterwards if you apply for examination in August, or January 2023 afterwards if you apply for the examination in January to February.
  2. Foreign students who cannot submit the TOEIC Official Score Certificate (with photo attached) or the TOEFL Examinee Score Record (with photo attached) at the time of application must take a foreign language (English) examination conducted separately. The details will be sent by e-mail.
  3. Scores of TOEIC and TOEFL are evaluated based on the reference scores shown below. A score equal to or over the reference score is evaluated as perfect, and a lower score is proportionately reduced.
    879 100
  5. If you wish to use the LCD projector, bring your material data saved as PDF files to a USB memory stick on the day of the examination. Copy the files to the computer in the examination site and check its operation within the designated time below.
      Time for computer operation:

    • August Selection Process : 12:15 – 12:45 (strictly observed)
    • January to February Selection Process : 9:00 – 9:30 (strictly observed)
  6. For information on the examination contact:
    Office of Doctoral Program in Biology
    Phone +81-29-853-6600 (Office hours: 9:00 – 12:15, 13:15 – 16:30)
    E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)
(b) Applicants who wish to proceed from Master’s Program in Biology to Doctoral Program in Biology at the University of Tsukuba (Students who are continuing from the Master’s Program)

  • Details of the entrance examination will be announced separately.

  • Applicants must submit their applications via the Web Entry System. However, the applicants do not need to submit their application documents by hand or mail.

Doctoral Program in BiologyDoctoral

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Thursday, August 22
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 13:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Biology Individual Interview
Presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plans after enrollment (15 minutes), followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English. No materials or computer can be brought in. An LCD projector will be available for use on site. See (Note) 1
January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, January 29
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Biology Individual Interview
Presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plans after enrollment (15 minutes), followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English. No materials or computer can be brought in. An LCD projector will be available for use on site. See (Note) 1

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application. (Refer to

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Biology will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. If you wish to use the LCD projector, bring your material data saved as PDF files to a USB memory stick on the day of the examination. Copy the files to the computer in the examination site and check its operation within the designated time below.
      Time for computer operation:

    • August Selection Process : 12:15 – 12:45 (strictly observed)
    • January to February Selection Process : 9:00 – 9:30 (strictly observed)
  2. For information on the examination contact:
    Office of Doctoral Program in Biology
    Phone +81-29-853-6600 (Office hours: 9:00 – 12:15, 13:15 – 16:30)
    E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Doctoral Program in Agricultural SciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
You may conduct the interview in English.
* Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
You may conduct the interview in English.
* Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Presentation will be performed on the Laptop brought in by the applicants. The VGA Adapter for the projector is 15 Pin Mini D Sub Connector. If your Laptop does not support this type of adapter, bring your own adapter to the examination site. Applicants must perform preview beforehand accordingly to the instruction by staffs [Time for preview: 9:20~9:40 (time is strictly observed)].
    In preparation for trouble, applicants must bring their presentation documents saved as PDF files to a virus-free USB memory stick.
  2. For information on the examination contact (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”):
    • Sumiko SUGAYA, Chair of the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences
      (Phone +81-29-853-4790, E-mail
    • Junichi TANAKA, Chair of the Subprogram in Advanced Agricultural Technology and Science cooperated with NARO
      (Phone +81-29-838-7138, E-mail

Doctoral Program in Agricultural SciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 15:00
Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, experience, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
You may conduct the interview in English.
January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 15:00
Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, experience, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
You may conduct the interview in English.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Presentation will be performed on the Laptop brought in by the applicants. The VGA Adapter for the projector is 15 Pin Mini D Sub Connector. If your Laptop does not support this type of adapter, bring your own adapter to the examination site. Applicants must perform preview beforehand accordingly to the instruction by staffs [Time for preview: 9:20~9:40 (time is strictly observed)].
    In preparation for trouble, applicants must bring their presentation documents saved as PDF files to a virus-free USB memory stick.
  2. For information on the examination contact (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”):
    • Sumiko SUGAYA, Chair of the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences
      (Phone +81-29-853-4790, E-mail
    • Junichi TANAKA, Chair of the Subprogram in Advanced Agricultural Technology and Science cooperated with NARO
      (Phone +81-29-838-7138, E-mail

Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural SciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
You may conduct the interview in English.
* Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
You may conduct the interview in English.
* Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.

  1. Presentation will be performed on the Laptop brought in by the applicants. The VGA Adapter for the projector is 15 Pin Mini D Sub Connector. If your Laptop does not support this type of adapter, bring your own adapter to the examination site. Applicants must perform preview beforehand accordingly to the instruction by staffs [Time for preview: 9:20~9:40 (time is strictly observed)].
    In preparation for trouble, applicants must bring their presentation documents saved as PDF files to a virus-free USB memory stick.
  2. For information on the examination contact (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”):

Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural SciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 15:00
Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, experience, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
You may conduct the interview in English.
January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 15:00
Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences Conducted individually, approximately 20 minutes for each applicant.
Approximately 10 minutes of presentation using presentation software on the previous research, experience, motivation for the application, and research plans after enrollment, followed by about 10 minutes of interview.
You may conduct the interview in English.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.

  1. Presentation will be performed on the Laptop brought in by the applicants. The VGA Adapter for the projector is 15 Pin Mini D Sub Connector. If your Laptop does not support this type of adapter, bring your own adapter to the examination site. Applicants must perform preview beforehand accordingly to the instruction by staffs [Time for preview: 9:20~9:40 (time is strictly observed)].
    In preparation for trouble, applicants must bring their presentation documents saved as PDF files to a virus-free USB memory stick.
  2. For information on the examination contact (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”):

Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial SciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (200 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences Language and interview on details and plans of research
* Language: Evaluation of communication skills in English or Japanese
Details and plans of research: 15 minutes of presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis, research experience, and research plans after enrollment (using PowerPoint), followed by 15 minutes of interview
January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process / Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (200 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences Language and interview on details and plans of research
* Language: Evaluation of communication skills in English or Japanese
Details and plans of research: 15 minutes of presentation on the applicant’s master’s thesis, research experience, and research plans after enrollment (using PowerPoint), followed by 15 minutes of interview

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.
Refer to the website for the phone number and e-mail address of the faculty member of your desired research area.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Overseas residents are allowed to take an oral examination using remote communication System if there is probable cause.
  2. For information on the examination contact:
    Admission office of the Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences
    ( (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Doctoral Program in GeosciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Geosciences Individual Interview

Presentation on the master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plan after enrollment (15 minutes) using an LCD projector, followed by an interview (10 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English.

January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Wednesday, January 29
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Geosciences Individual Interview

Presentation on the master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plan after enrollment (15 minutes) using an LCD projector, followed by an interview (10 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Geosciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. An LCD projector is available for use on site. A PC is installed in the room, however, bringing your own laptop computer is highly recommended (with the presentation file saved).
  2. For the presentation, summarize your master thesis in about 10 slides and future research plan in about 2 slides.
  3. Students from Master’s Program in Geosciences (Geoenvironmental Science Field) at the University of Tsukuba, presentation of the master thesis is omitted. 5- minutes presentation for research plan (about 2 slides) should be included in the total 15-minutes presentation.
  4. Contact information of faculty members and their research interests are shown below.
  5. Further enquiries:
    • Geoenvironmental Science Field
      Tsutomu YAMANAKA, Chair of Doctoral Program in Geosciences (Phone +81-29-853-2538, E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)
    • Earth Evolution Science Field
      Toshiaki TSUNOGAE, Contact person for the field (Phone +81-29-853-5239, E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Doctoral Program in GeosciencesDoctoral

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Geosciences Individual Interview
Presentation on the master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plan after enrollment (15 minutes) using an LCD projector, followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English.
January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, January 29
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 10:00 – 17:00
Doctoral Program in Geosciences Individual Interview
Presentation on the master’s thesis (or other previous research) and research plan after enrollment (15 minutes) using an LCD projector, followed by an interview (15 minutes). The interview can be conducted in English.

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Geosciences will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. An LCD projector is available for use on site. A PC is installed in the room, however, bringing your own laptop computer is highly recommended (with the presentation file saved).
  2. For the presentation, summarize your own research ever in about 10 slides and future research plan in about 2 slides.
  3. Contact information of faculty members and their research interests are shown below.
  4. Further enquiries:
    • Geoenvironmental Science Field
      Tsutomu YAMANAKA, Chair of Doctoral Program in Geosciences (Phone +81-29-853-2538, E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)
    • Earth Evolution Science Field
      Toshiaki TSUNOGAE, Contact person for the field (Phone +81-29-853-5239, E-mail (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Doctoral Program in Environmental StudiesDoctoral

August Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 9:15 – 13:00
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies Individual Interview
10-minute presentation about past research achievements and activities, doctoral research topic and proposal. The presentation is followed by a comprehensive interview (15 minutes).
January to February Selection Process (General Selection Process)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 9:15 – 13:00
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies Individual Interview
10-minute presentation about past research achievements and activities, doctoral research topic and proposal. The presentation is followed by a comprehensive interview (15 minutes).

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Applicants must bring their own laptops for the presentation. LCD projector that connects to the HDMI terminal and mini D-Sub 15 pin VGA terminal is available for use at the examination site. If your Laptop does not support any of the connection terminals, bring a connection adapter yourself.
  2. Refer to the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies website ( for e-mail address of the faculty member of your desired research area.
  3. For information on the examination contact e-mail:
    Admission office of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies ( (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Doctoral Program in Environmental StudiesDoctoral

August Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Wednesday, August 21
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 9:15 – 13:00
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies Individual Interview
10-minute presentation about past work and civic activities, thoughts on the environment based on the experience, motivation for application and research plan after enrollment. The presentation is followed by a comprehensive interview (15 minutes).
January to February Selection Process (Special Selection Process for Working Individuals)
Date Tuesday, January 28
Subject Oral Examination (100 points)
Program Time 9:15 – 13:00
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies Individual Interview
10-minute presentation about past work and civic activities, thoughts on the environment based on the experience, motivation for application and research plan after enrollment. The presentation is followed by a comprehensive interview (15 minutes).

* Contact the faculty member of your desired research area in advance of the application.

The entrance examination for the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies will be held at the “University’s examination venues”.
However, the entrance examination will be conducted online for those who reside overseas and wish to take it.
Applicants must submit the “Application form to take exam online” and “Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination” within the application period.

Application form to take exam online PDF
Written Agreement Regarding Undertaking Online Examination PDF
Online Admission Examination Schedule PDF

  1. Applicants must bring their own laptops for the presentation. LCD projector that connects to the HDMI terminal and mini D-Sub 15 pin VGA terminal is available for use at the examination site. If your Laptop does not support any of the connection terminals, bring a connection adapter yourself.
  2. Refer to the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies website ( for e-mail address of the faculty member of your desired research area.
  3. For information on the examination contact e-mail:
    Admission office of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies ( (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

7. Testing Location, Announcement of Acceptance, and Enrollment Procedure | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

7. Testing Location, Announcement of Acceptance, and Enrollment Procedure

Testing Location

University of Tsukuba (1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken)
Refer to “10. Information and Instructions for Examinees” for details.

Announcement of Acceptance

  • August Selection Process: September 12, 2024 (10 a.m. JST) – September 18, 2024 (10 a.m. JST)
  • January to February Selection Process: February 14, 2025 (10 a.m. JST) – February 20, 2025 (10 a.m. JST)

The examinee numbers of the successful applicants will be posted on the website.

Letter of Acceptance will be issued online.
An email will be sent to the email address registered for the application from 10:00 a.m. on the day of acceptance announcement sequentially.
Please follow the instructions in that email to download Letter of Acceptance.

Enrollment Procedure

  1. An enrollment packet (which contain documents to be submitted before entrance) will be sent to successful applicants.
      【Date of dispatch: for entrants in April 2025】
      Sent out in two instalments.

    • October 31 (Thu.) 2024
      (Successful applicants for the July and August Selection Process)
    • February 14 (Fri.) 2025
      (Successful applicants for the January-February Selection Process)
      【Date of dispatch: for entrants in October 2025】

    • Late June 2025

    Note: The successful applicants need to notify us in advance if they are moving house permanently before the date above or travelling when the documents are expected to be delivered.

    All applicants with a full-time job need a document or a letter (e.g., an order for a training course, a letter for a leave of absence, or an approval letter) from the employer to prove that they are available to complete the program.

  2. The documents should be mailed using a designated envelope (which will be sent to you together with the Enrollment Procedure Guidelines) by early March 2025 (late August 2025 for October entry) The deadline will be shown in Enrollment Procedure Guidelines.
  3. Estimated Expenses Upon Entrance
    1. (a)Entrance fees are 282,000 Japanese Yen (nonrefundable).
    2. (b)Tuition: The tuition for the first semester (April-September) is 267,900 Japanese Yen. The tuition for the second semester (October-March) is 267,900 Japanese Yen. (Yearly Amount: 535,800 Japanese Yen)

      1. (1)If fees are revised before entrance or while enrolled in this Graduate School, the revised tuition fees will be applied.
      2. (2)The entrance fees are exempted for those who are the Government-Sponsored (Japanese Government Monbukagakusho scholarship) foreign students or who have completed the University of Tsukuba Master’s Program and will continue on to the University Doctoral Program within one year of the completion date.
  4. International applicants must acquire a Status of Residence suitable for entrance to a Graduate School, in accordance with the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of 1951), before beginning the enrollment procedures. Those who wish to enter this Graduate School as an international student must acquire Status of Residence as a “Student.”

8. Thesis Submission and Inquiry | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

8. Thesis Submission and Inquiry

Program Address for Submission of Thesis Contact Direct Phone Number
Biology 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-ken 305-8572 Japan Office of Doctoral Program in Biology +81-29-853-6600
Agricultural Sciences Graduate Program Office for Agricultural Sciences
(Subprogram in Advanced Agricultural Technology and Science cooperated with NARO)
Office of Doctoral Program in Advanced Agricultural Technology and Sciences, Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area
Life and Agricultural Sciences Graduate Program Office for Agricultural Sciences
Bioindustrial Sciences Office of Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences +81-29-853-4846
Geosciences (Geo-environmental Science) Office of Doctoral Program in Geo-environmental Science +81-29-853-6884
Geosciences (Earth Evolution Science) Office of Doctoral Program in Earth Evolution Sciences +81-29-853-4510
Environmental Studies Office of Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies +81-29-853-4751

9. Applicants Who Need Assistance, 10. Information and Instructions for Examinees and 11. Contact Us | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

9. Applicants Who Need Assistance

If you need assistance due to disability, contact the Division of Admission by following dates:

    【Due Dates】

  • August Selection Process: July 3, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process: November 26, 2024

Click here for sending your request.

10. Information and Instructions for Examinees

We will post the “Information and Instructions for Examinees” on our website.

    【Estimated Release Dates】

  • August Selection Process :August 2, 2024
  • January to February Selection Process :January 9, 2025

11. Contact Us

If you have any questions about the application guidelines, contact us at:

Graduate Admissions, Academic Service Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area, University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
e-mail : (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)
Phone: +81-29-853-7808/4570
Hours of Operation: 9:00am – 12:15pm, 1:15pm – 5:00pm on Monday through Friday
[except national holidays, summer, year-end, and new year holidays]

Disclosure of Admission Examination Results

The Following disclosure is made in relation to the performance of a candidate who was unsuccessful in the entrance examination for the Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences (Doctoral Program).

  1. Contents of Disclosure
    Total Score of the Candidate Who Failed the Examination
    ※However, the Following Results Will not be Disclosed
    (1) Absentee from One or More Courses
    (2) Online Entrance Examinations for Those Living Abroad.
  2. Applicant
    The Examinee Himself /Herself
  3. How to Request
    Please Send Your Request by Mail, Enclosing the Following
    (1) Request Form for Disclosure of Admission Information
    (2) Examination Voucher (to be returned at the time of disclosure)
    (If you have lost the Examination Voucher, a copy of your Student ID, Driver’s License, etc.)
    (3) Reply Envelope (long size #3) with your Name and Address written on it and a 460 Yen Stamp Affixed.
    However, if you are an Overseas Resident, Please Inquire by E-mail to the Billing Office.
  4. Request Period
    May 1, 2025 – May 30, 2025
  5. Disclosure Method
    Disclosed Information will be mailed to the Person in Question Sequentially after the Deadline of the Request Period.
  6. Billing Office
    1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
    Division Graduate Admissions Office, University of Tsukuba
    E-mail: (*Replace “#@#” with “@.”)

Special Provision on Educational Method Stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Special Provision on Educational Method Stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools

Education provided under special provision

  1. Along with the progress of science technology and the sophistication of society, there are increasing demands for the return of working individuals to graduate schools. In response to these demands, Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools stipulates that graduate schools may, if necessary from an educational standpoint, provide education through appropriate means, which include conducting classes or research guidance in the evening and other certain hours and periods.
    This stipulation provides more working individuals with opportunities to receive graduate school education while in employment and to develop the knowledge and skills to assume leadership roles in educational research and practices. Under Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools, Master’s and Doctoral Programs in the University of Tsukuba Graduate Schools, which have achieved in fostering skilled professionals and re-educating working individuals, have introduced a day/evening course system to enhance education and research activities.

  2. Requirements to complete the programs

    Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

    Doctoral Program in Biology
    1. Receive necessary research guidance to write a doctoral dissertation and conduct research. Complete day courses and courses provided under Article 14 in this program or other programs as required.
    2. Complete courses specified by the program and pass the doctoral dissertation defense and final examination.
    3. Contact the Chair of the program for details of courses provided under Article 14.
      Chair of the Doctoral Program in Biology (Contact at +81-29-853-6600)
      Office hours: 9:00 – 12:15, 13:15 – 16:30
    Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences
    Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences
    1. Complete a minimum of 3 credits in courses provided under Article 14 within the standard three year period.
    2. Submit a program completion plan to the advisor and the Chair of the program and obtain their approvals at the beginning of the school year.
    3. Evening courses (Courses provided under Article 14)
    4. Program Requirement to Complete the Program
      Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences
      Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences
      Dissertation I, II, III provided in each program, field (1 credit per course)
    Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences
    1. Complete a minimum of 8 credits including 4 credits of compulsory courses within the standard three year period.
    2. Submit a program completion plan to the advisor and the Chair of the program and obtain their approvals at the beginning of the school year.
    3. The number of credits normally required to complete the program is shown below.
    4. Program Credits Required to Complete the Program
      Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences A total of 4 credits in 「Advanced International Bioindustrial Sciences」and 「Bioindustrial Sciences SeminarⅢA、ⅢB」 and a minimum of 4 credits in a course from specialized basic and specialized courses each
    5. Evening courses (Courses provided under Article 14)
    6. Category Course (Number of credits)
      Common Course Advanced International Bioindustrial Sciences (2 credits)
    Doctoral Program in Geosciences

    Consult the Chair of Doctoral Programs in Geosciences to arrange depending on your situation.

    Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies
    1. Complete a minimum of 6 credits within the standard three year period.
    2. Evening courses (Courses provided under Article 14)
      Consult the Chair of Doctoral Programs in Environmental Studies to arrange depending on your situation.

Early Completion Program (For applicants for the Special Selection Process for Working Individuals only) | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Early Completion Program (For applicants for the Special Selection Process for Working Individuals only)

Doctoral Program in Biology, Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences, Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences, Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences, Doctoral Program in Geosciences, Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies, at the University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Science and Technology, Degree programs in Life and Earth Sciences, have introduced a system to support working individuals who wish to complete the doctoral programs in a shorter period of time. The Early Completion Program applies to working individuals with a certain degree of research achievements and competency, and provides them with opportunities to complete a three-year doctoral program in a minimum of one year.

  1. Students eligible for early completion
    Working indivisuals who have research achievements related to a research field in Doctoral Program in Biology, Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences, Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences, Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences, Doctoral Program in Geosciences, Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies, at the University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Science and technology, Degree programs in Life and Earth Sciences, and wish to earn a doctoral degree in a shorter period of time.
  2. Documents to be submitted to apply for the Early Completion Program
    After passing the entrance examination, submit the documents and reports specified in 1) – 4) below. The procedures will be notified to successful applicants at the time of the announcement of acceptance.

    1. 1) Applicant’s statement (includes the applicant’s area of specialization, activities at the school last attended and their relation to the desired area of research.)
    2. 2) List of achievements (includes peer-reviewed papers and presentation materials)
      The number of peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations required for the application in the program is shown below.
    3. Doctoral Program    Doctoral
      Program Peer-Reviewed Paper
      Doctoral Program in Biology A minimum of 2 first author original papers (published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals)
      Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences A minimum of 2 first author English papers, a minimum of 4 first author Japanese papers, or 1 first author English paper and a minimum of 2 first author Japanese papers (published or accepted in international peer-reviewed journals)
      Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences A minimum of 2 first author original papers (published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals)
      Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences A minimum of 2 first author English papers, a minimum of 4 first author Japanese papers, or 1 first author English paper and a minimum of 2 first author Japanese papers (published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals)
      Doctoral Program in Geosciences A minimum of 2 first author original papers (published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals)
      Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies A minimum of 2 original papers including 1 first author original paper (published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals)
    4. 3) Self assessment form
    5. 4) Plan of doctoral dissertation (2 – 4 pages of A4 size paper, format of your choice, include your theme and studies in related areas)
  3. Qualification for the Early Completion Program
    Based on the documents listed in 2 above, an interview will be conducted if necessary to determine whether the applicant qualifies for the program. The application procedures will be notified along with the announcement of acceptance.
  4. Notes
    Consult with your prospective advisor in advance before applying.

Dual Degree Programs at the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Dual Degree Programs at the Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Degree programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Dual Degree Programs provide doctoral students with opportunities to obtain skills and knowledge in areas outside but related to their specialty, which are necessary to engage in research or highly professional occupations. The purpose of the Dual Degree Programs is to foster students to become professionals with advanced skills and wide knowledge as well as high adaptability.
The term “Dual Degree” is used to refer to students who belong in a Doctoral Program at the University of Tsukuba Graduate School and are also enrolled in the university’s Master’s Program or a Professional Degree Program (except Law School Program at the Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. Hereinafter referred to as “master’s program”) and earning both degrees.

The Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences has introduced Dual Degree Programs in the following Doctoral Programs and Consecutive Doctoral Program.

Doctoral Program Master’s Program
Doctoral Program in Biology
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master’s Program in Computer Science
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Doctoral Program in Geosciences
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

It is not easy to earn two degrees within a limited period of time. If you wish to apply, contact the faculty member of the each program (see the Application Guide for the contact information) for consultation in advance.
Obtain a Dual Degree Program Application Form, have it signed by your prospective advisor, and submit it to the Graduate Academic Affairs, Academic Service Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area by the deadline for the eligibility screening specified in the Application Guide.
If you are approved through the screening process, a Dual Degree Program Admission Permit will be issued. Attach a copy of the permit to your application form and submit it to the Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area. (If you are applying for a Doctoral Program and a Master’s Program at the same time, attach a copy to each application form.) You will be exempt from the examination fee for the Master’s Program.
To be admitted to the Dual Degree Program, you need to pass the entrance examination and complete the enrollment procedures. According to the aims of the Dual Degree Program, if you apply for a Doctoral Program and a Master’s Program at the same time and fail the entrance examination for the Doctoral Program, you will not be admitted to the Master’s Program either.
If you pass the entrance examinations, you will be exempt from the admission fee and tuition fee for the Master’s Program during the period you are enrolled in the Dual Degree Program.

Cooperative Graduate School System | 【next】University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions

Cooperative Graduate School System

For more information on the Cooperative Graduate School System, click here.