Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences

Master’s Programs (Art and Sport, Interdisciplinary Sciences)

Special Provision on Educational Method Stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools

Education provided under special provision

Dual Degree Programs allow doctoral students to enroll in a master’s or professional degree program either at the same graduate school or at different ones to earn a master’s degree there.

Along with the progress of science technology and the sophistication of society, there are increasing demands for the return of working individuals to graduate schools. In response to these demands, Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools stipulates that graduate schools may, if necessary from an educational standpoint, provide education through appropriate means, which include conducting classes or research guidance in the evening and other certain hours and periods.

This stipulation provides more working individuals with opportunities to receive graduate school education while in employment and to develop the knowledge and skills to assume leadership roles in educational research and practices. Under Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools, master’s and doctoral programs in the University of Tsukuba Graduate Schools, which have achieved in fostering skilled professionals and re-educating working individuals, have introduced a day/evening course system to enhance education and research activities.

Eligible Programs

  • Master’s Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
  • Master’s Program in Art